The idea behind share is more like a hire car/taxi/uber than you let others borrow your car.
Transmission duties are handled by 4-speed 42LE, and this car looks to be a column shift despite having bucket seats.
I avoid the whole problem by pronouncing it “The peanut butter cup of Reese”, “The pieces of Reese”, etc.
If the first producer’s challenge doesn’t involve a Evans and his two new co-hosts racing to a big, juicy steak dinner; the BBC should just cancel the whole thing.
If you believe De Lorenzo at Autoextremist, it isn’t the balance sheet; it’s product planning. Per his rumor, FCA has nothing in the pipeline after 2018.
It’s not that Marchionne thinks there should be consolidation to help the industry, it’s that Marchionne needs consolidation to help FCA.
Pension funds don’t work in such a way that this would work.
Here’s Don on the Rick Mercer report, getting a suit made.
Compassion is not a zero sum game. Mourning the tragic death of Paula Cooper; whose life, by all accounts, sucked; does not mean that it’s impossible to have equal compassion for the murder of Ruth Pelke.
I would contribute $2 to your kick starter for this effort.
This is why the argument is stupid and annoying. To people of faith, miracles ARE real, just as real as science.
Yep. That’s what the faithful think. Spent too much time in a Catholic high school (by definition, > 5 minutes) to let this IC vs VB confusion slip by.
It’s related doctrines of faith. The doctrine of the immaculate conception is Mary being born without original sin, the virgin birth is Jesus being born without Mary knowing a man’s touch.
Just to be a pedant, the immaculate conception relates to Mary being born without original sin; she was conceived in the standard manner.
2nd Gear:
Holy makrel, Barry! You certainly took him to school.
Hillary Clinton would have more credibility on this issue if the heart of the Citizens United case wasn’t Hillary: The Movie, a feature length investigation into controversies surrounding Hillary Clinton. As it stands now, it just looks self-serving and vindictive.
From a usability standpoint, the obverse side is a hot mess. The denomination number is very hard to pick out, and I think most would reject the multiple sizes, which I think was the way they intended sorting to happen.
Yes, because paper money isn’t really paper; it’s fabric. It washes and dries just fine.