
Well. Time to get the XBOX back from my sister.


They need to be more consistent with baby drop mechanic. She needs two hands to push a wagon but only one to pull herself up a cliff?

Meet me on Tetrisfriends and I will show you whats up.

I think Jay Z said something like this. He also went on Bobwa Wawa and said he wasn't coming back like Jordan.

WTF was up with the dog at the end of Brainscan?

Seems like a missed opportunity. I would have gladly done it for free. I seriously can not wait to get my mitts on this game though.

This game seems awesome. I might be a dick for saying this but, I wish the card art was better…eep.

Well, it's been a delight to troll you, Folks. Goodnight Everybody!

I will amend. She is a fake GAMER. No shame. Other than being the token piece of ass being flossed about by creepy frenchmen.

Now playing

I don't care so much as I am annoyed by her. It's like watching a really buff guy struggling to get the cap off a bottle of water.

Hey if you are going to be an asshole, then commit to it.

How is it "clear" that she plays "a lot" of video games. Her discourse on video games is always rehearsed and full of vacuities. This is my intuition mostly. If I took everything someone said as a fact and didn't rely on my ability to read people then I would probably be dead by now. I guess Paul Ryan really did run a

Aisha Tyler is a fake. And it has nothing to do with her race.


I wish the graphics were more photo realistic.

Hmm. Too bad I don't do business with them anymore. There is really no excuse for taking somebody's money and completely forgetting to send the package.

What a phony he is.

This is battery acid, you slime.

I didn't know Werner Herzog played video games.