
Fuck you.

Look up the word “ignorance”. I’m not here to educate you. There are plenty of resources at your disposal. 

The ignorance on display here is just astounding. 

Sorry but no. Poorly run zoos are indeed fucked up but the concept of a zoo itself is extremely useful to overall animal health by teaching the most careless and destructive animals, humans, about other animals and their behavior so they can act in a less reactionary manner when they run across animals in the wild.

What you don’t have can’t be learned, I’m afraid. If you painted a portrait of you Great Aunt Bertie with Scholiosis, it would have 100 times more artist integrity than your palsy handed finger paints in Autodesk Sketchbook Pro 95....And I bet she’d even do it for a sponge bath... Seriously though, Kiddo. Learn the

So you post some 12 year old’s MS Paint work from Deviant Art and you call yourself a “real artist”. You my friend, need an Enlightenment. Although some of the masters used camera lucida, they learned the basics first. You are literally just carbon copying photographs...Other peoples compositions! Art is self

LOL... Well you’ve proven ONE thing. You DEFINITELY plagiarized (poorly at that) the first one and you have absolutely MASTERED the art of face murder... This is really too much man. The fact that you don’t know...haha. Well keep at it. Maybe tone down the over confidence. It isn’t going to serve you.

Absolutely no interest in your plagiarist Instagram account man. You already shot yourself in the foot. 

Ha. You might want to hold that thought...Oh too late. Anyways whether you can paint with a stylus or not is hardly a measure of its accuracy....We have been doing that with our fingers for years now...

So tired of you “paint over photographs and claim it’s art people.” Seriously who can’t poorly finger paint over a photograph? LINE WORK. Call me old school but goddamn this is exhausting.

Alright. Go ahead and draw a diagonal line on any Surface device. I dare you. Go do it. Without line smoothing on please. Thank you.

Your fixation on Adobe is overstated. Of course those tools are important, but hardly the entirety of the creative domain. You don’t seem well informed about the subject. You keep mentioning “artists” for example, as though that was a single group of people (it isn’t). Further - given that you’re running Photoshop on

Better than a tablet imho. And by “drawing experience” I’m talking about how the pencil feels and responds to input. He just flamed out on me without even reading my post. So weird. I’ve never encountered an Adobe fanboy before. First time for everything...

You can use all those programs with iPad Pro and Apple Pencil using Astropad and Luna Display... But real question is WHY WOULD YOU. There are cheaper, better optimized alternatives to all of their programs and even better they don’t use predatory subscription services.

Can somebody translate this for me?

I have yet to find a comparable drawing experience to iPad Pro and Apple Pencil. It’s just unbeatable. And with Astropad and Luna Display I don’t even see the point in entertaining Wacom anymore. I would like a 20 inch iPad Pro though. So like Apple, get to work on that.

That was pretty terrible. Wes Anderson movie parody trailers always seem to be made by people who have probably never actually seen any of his films and usually only parody The Royal Tennembuams.

Clearly. Thank you for the fine example.

Ze money, Lewbowski!

TMNT takes place in NY. So yes, its a NY building.