Fuck you.
Fuck you.
That was pretty terrible. Wes Anderson movie parody trailers always seem to be made by people who have probably never actually seen any of his films and usually only parody The Royal Tennembuams.
So you're saying I need to buy a dozen boxes of ice cream sandwiches?
TMNT takes place in NY. So yes, its a NY building.
Are you guys for real?! THIS is Joel!
Well that's not the really same thing. This is about a father having a bath with his baby, not his grown adult offspring. I seriously question your ability to form logical and coherent thoughts.
Most people's dad's aren't all molesty, so there's probably nothing to worry about. Sorry you don't feel like you could have trusted your dad when you were a kid.
Fantastic show. Allison Tolman comes out of nowhere and steals the whole thing (and manages to become my new actress crush...), Billy Bob Thornton is mesmerizing, that drum solo is mesmerizing, and I love all the little Cohen Brothers references sprinkled throughout.
"a heart ripped out of a giant demon's chest and punched down its own throat, where it then exploded." - sounds like the last GWAR concert I went to.
I gotta agree. I built my first PC back in 1983 using an NEC V20. I had to solder in the sockets and plug in all kinds of chips that came in tubes. Flashed the firmware from the genuine IBM PC-ROMs into my own EEPROMs and finally got everything working.
Wait, what???
She should have spent that time learning to swim.
Flatulence is never the answer.
that doesn't even fit.
That one's terrible. It doesn't even attempt to match music to the lyric's beat.