
Ah. Bjork's new music video!

The fakest of gamers...She makes me feel all embarrassed for her. I hate that feeling...


No. No it doesn't.

Wouldn't be Popeye's if they didn't forget to give you part of the order.

HAha that boat was hauling ass off that pier.

Complaining that the AI is TOO realistic? WHa? PS this game sucks because the mechanics and graphics and story and acting and premise all blow.

Okay I got it. The Dark White

ugh the cheez. will play this though fer sure

Snaaaaaake on Adult Swim Games is real fun.

People are awesome.

Cheap games me buy. GOod.

The guy on the right is begging for the Clockwork Orange Treatment. I won't be doing it myself because I am too lazy and I was ROBBED of the finals two weeks ago!!

Good games take passion.

My thoughts exactly.

Wow I didn't even make the finalists. I must have been disqualified.

Let's get real here.

Yes. It is a woman with a VAGINA.

Super creepy. Did you make this?