
Every Bernie Sanders support comes off like they just learned what politics was like three days prior...

Americans, like usual, expect to get things from exploited workers with no rights.

He is asking that the majority of the funds, being given to restoring one of the most important sites in French culture, be used towards restoring said site.

There is nothing more refreshing then Americans expressing their expertise in all things.

No creo que haya puesto un pie en Sudamérica una vez.

Because Americans are routinely racist in ways they don’t recognize.

Because of history, those things are not equivalent. Blackface was once used in a way that dehumanized the people it was portraying: it is a part of a racist legacy. 

Until there is an option to turn window 10 into XP...I guess I will just suffer...

I fail to see the controversy in this case at all except perhaps these people were not rich enough to give the proper, legal bribes to get their kids into the school.

The only way that an American airline company is in the top 10 of service quality ranking is if you limit the choices to just US based carriers.

Counter point...Ted Bundy. 

Because there is a massive disconnect between pop left politics (like you see on this website) and traditional left politics that want to protect the working class.

Its amazing...Americans will ship good blue color jobs overseas...but dear god...the passion to protect shitty service jobs...

The Bay Area and San Francisco should never be referred to as an example for any city to follow.

Angelos is not the worst owner. There was a time where he was awful, but compared to the owners that have existed in the city’s history, he isn’t the worst.

This whole thing is hilarious to me. I do not understand Americans at all.

I think its amazing that Americans believe drugs are shipped across the US-Mexico border using humans. This is very moronic.

On top of this, what wrestling fan does not know that wrestlers are independent contractors? 

Counter Point...Brexit.

Its Harford County. Pretty much the majority of heroin users in Maryland live up there. They are the kids of rich parents...because lets be frank, heroin is an expensive habit.