
No matter what was done at awards show, you had a piece prep to post this morning.

Poor people need to do what Hamilton does...be born into a very rich family that pays his rent and other living expenses as he leads the revolution from NYC.

It is not just a wall in terms of ecological damage. Its the support buildings, roads, sewage systems, power systems, etc. Effectively preserved land is going to get built over and destroyed for these facilities. Even if just the prep-work on the wall is done, we are talking about a considerable drain on the economy

I served in the US military to get citizenship. One of my former coworkers became a Calvanist after he got out.

Wall would be economic and ecological disaster.

I thought rule of internet was all women are men and all underage people are undercover police.

Is it fashion or are the the sons both have scars on their faces that affect their ability to grow eye brows?

The comment section here is why President Trump will win a second term.

Oh noes! Someone that can’t even get their account out of the greys doesn’t like me...what ever will I do?!?!

Somewhat related...I do large industrial drives. I was in a southern state. I had to install the medium voltage motors for the mill stands while coworkers installed the drives. We then commissioned the equipment together. These are very expensive and must be water cooled. The cooling system alone is around $150k for

Mexico is around the 15th largest economy in the world. Much of its problems are related to the US flooding Mexico with illicit funds and weapons.

“...it is more of we do not trust those that are not from here.”

I like it if I get pulled over by police in US, I am told to show ID and when I reached for my travel documents, I get screamed at that I will have my head blown off for following orders.

America’s recent election history makes me think that plenty of Americans are okay with the war on minorities.

I have many white people argue with me about this, but North East US, along with the Great Lakes region, is far most racist than anywhere in the South.

Charles Manson smoked weed...

US citizens overstaying visas is a very common issue for many nations.

We (the rest of the world) have to do this because Americans all the time overstay visas.

I think its hilarious that white Americans are generally okay with shooting deaths by police of minorities, but get very passionate if their weed is touched.

35 minutes is a short NJPW match.