
We had a very poor opinion of most American leaders before President Trump.

This is pet peeve of mine. The sailor in question Kristian Saucier faced and received such severe punishment not because of the photos, but because he actively attempted to destroy evidence while an investigation was taking place against him.

Why is this a story?

Try this again...

Carson Wentz and Deshone Watson are both busts if drafted by Browns.

“I do not want to argue”

Forrest Gump.

It is amazing, decade long commitment to failure.

Go with this. You win.

Again, American union members would struggle to get positions in European unions.

As someone that has lived and worked in Canada, it is HILARIOUS to hear American citizens bitch about foreigners investing their ill gotten gains in the US at the expense of the local citizen.

The average American worker could not get a job in a European style union. Americans do not train their work force or have a standard. The union itself would fire the worker.

Nikita Khrushchev was as bad, if not worst than your Trump.

I managed to survive growing up in a war zone. I later did three combat tours for the US military to earn my full citizenship. I have job where I work all over the world to provide engineering work.

I am just excited to see how the Democrats will lose to Trump again.

Why do all characters make smart quips like Han Solo now? It is weird...all the characters are smart asses...

My mother would refer to relationships at work as “Shitting in yard”.

You pretty much just need a green card.

It is very easy for sheltered, rich person like yourself Hamilton, to encourage others, much more vulnerable people, to take risks you are not willing yourself.

I think it is much more likely the US launches a campaign against the Republic of South Korea.