
I have heard that Hue Jackson is the next target for the Bengals.

Your dog doesn’t care.

This is exactly what a sufficient number of Americans wanted, hence the election results.

Baltimore PD did same scam a while ago.

Historically, there are numerous issues that basically made Catholics second class citizens in the US for a significant period of time in the US. There are still states that have on the books laws barring Catholics from owning property, running for office, etc. Its obviously not enforced.

It is amazing to me what rich white people in America can spend time and money on.

Its a catch 22. If twitch does nothing but ban people as soon as they make the threat, they are less liable than if they take on the responsibility to weigh wither or not someone will take their own life.

Johnson and Johnson did recall because of potential negative consequences with their brand and it was issue relatively easy to fix. It is simple engineering design fix.


I say this as someone that grew up in a war zone, came to the US as a refugee and then did six years of military service to earn citizenship...PTSD, trauma, depression are things very difficult to treat remotely.

I don’t see how twitch could provide medical healthcare to random people in real time. Furthermore, it would open them up for legal liability.

That little blue dot in the mountains is Roanoke. Its the smallest city in the US that participates in the Federal Refugee program.

It was Charles Taylor’s campaign slogan.

My mother speaks very limited English and we come from a country where strong men rule on a regular basis.

The things first world people can spend time and energy on is amazing to me.

My mother recently admitted she wishes Trump would be more presidential.

Hell, if you are at school on an athletic scholarship, and you get hurt in the course of playing your sport, you lose your scholarship.

It is a wonderful chance. I grew up in another country before coming to the US as a refugee and while I went through some very tough times, it made me the person I am today by experiencing many cultures and languages.

Yes incredibly expensive. And good luck getting health insurance when you have a chronic condition.

Hue Jackson is 1-29.

My non-English speaking ass could lead the Browns to the same or better record with same amount of attempts. I would just use Madden to pick my plays.