
I got hit for doing 81 on I-81. The speed limit is 70 mph...so automatic reckless driving. At my court hearing, the police officer stated that the reason my ticket did not contain any information as to how he determined my speed, it was because he used his many years of experience to eyeball my speed, while he was

Roughly 64% of women that could vote, did vote. On average more women vote, around 65% for women, than men, around 61%.

Virginia can hit someone with reckless driving for sitting in a parking lot with their music too loud.

It is often very interesting to me at what offends white Americans.

The trials and tribulations of rich, white people make for fascinating reading.

And easier to exploit yes?

The British Empire was a gift from God to provide civilization and grace to countless savages and the greatest tragedy in human history was the fall of such a benevolent empire. 

So the supreme bad guy is black...there’s a shock.

Its use in the Boer War was the first time in human history where women and children were specifically targeted with camps, with the sole desire being to starve them to death.

The trials and tribulations of rich, white New York people make for gripping reading.

I once work for Brit who could spend hours justify British action in Africa. He, like many Brit’s, believed response to Mau Mau rebellion justified.

I do a job once in Brisbane. I automate and commission port of Brisbane. Many times customer take me out during project to celebrate milestones.

It is very impressive the crew did not lose the ship. Say what you will about US navy, the damage control techniques are top notch. I am convinced if this was different navy, same ship would have sunk.

I’m sure that the roughly 1000 people killed in the conflict were happy that Prime Minister Thatcher and Gen Pinochet had their war...

The fact that any British ships were sunk is embarrassment.

Obviously there are differences between conscription standards. Israel conscripts are very profession in ways of funding and training.

Interesting you take this view, considering you own a smart phone and a computer.

Between France and the US feeding the British large amounts of technical data and real time intelligence, the Falkland War should have been an easy cake walk for the Brits.

I go to this museum!!!

I got to Ocean City once. I am in US, in Baltimore doing job. Locals say to check out Ocean City.