This does happen many times in amateur leagues. It is very common for first time or very green fighters to turn from opponent and get shit kicked in.
This does happen many times in amateur leagues. It is very common for first time or very green fighters to turn from opponent and get shit kicked in.
I do automation for Port Khalifa in UAE. Very rough conditions, though I am very proud that no one was killed at port during construction or during the fist 5 years of operation. This is very good for even US port.
All that investment and it is destroyed easily by $200k anti-ship missile or torpedo.
Not really. There is usually a metal tag that quickly gets lost or is painted over so many times you cannot figure what it is.
I do medium voltage drives and motors. I was working in rural India, commissioning new steel mill. Very rough conditions. First four months, to use bathroom, one must shit in main mill stand pits. We also be locked in our sleep quarters at night because local Maoist insurgents offer money for any outsider’s head.
Must be betamax format.
I assume every white person I run into is packing a firearm and is crazy.
Away from pier, it is not queer.
Just use a nicotine patch.
I do six years in USN navy. I was stationed on aircraft carrier on east coast. We never get to do Fleet Week in NYC because nuke boats not invited.
Call me crazy, but people participating in election process would be more effective and less bloody.
You say someone from Gawker misinterpreted legal advice from a lawyer?!?
It is religious school in rural part of Maryland.
The people willing to die for extremist views are generally unemployed, uneducated, individuals. That is the largest group.
I am not sure what you mean.
I am not sure why this was necessary.
I have thick non-American accent.
Americans are strange to me.
There is hardware and then there is people. Average SA soldier will not die for his king.
When I first come to America as child, it was very strange to get used to all the food. I would walk around a grocery store for hours very amazed.