
And it’s uh, we’re the type of athletes that dive head first into, uh, into the whole process

we’re the type of athletes that dive head first

And everyone says Latin players don’t know how to play ball The Right Way. #unwrittenrules

Good to hear they’re pressing charges. That kid’s too young for a Brazilian waxing.

I’m not sure why the dude’s teammate felt trying to move the ball boy was a better solution than trying to move the guy on top swinging away. Way to help, guy.

If he would’ve left the police helicopter alone, this would’ve never been an issue but he just HAD to pull out the bazooka.



Don’t you mean “articles about which teammates’ moms LeBron is fucking”?

Really Deadspin? It’s come to this? Articles about whether or not two ice dancers are fucking? Whatever happened to the good old days when we’d get articles about whether or not KD and Westbrook were fucking?

I mean, no one has accused any news outlets of going for clicks for covering a tiny penis in the White House, so I support your outrage.

They are cousins though. And France is the home of Les Cousins Dangereux.

+1 good guy with a gun.

Beautifully executed nipple Salchow.


Flowers in the Arctic

Thankfully it wasn’t one of the brother-sister teams.

also, there will be somebody on their high horse coming in here to bitch that you’re using coverage of this as an excuse to get clicks and we’re all perverted weirdos for seeing a tiny nipple. those people are MORANS!

I was looking for some articles about the wardrobe malfunction and yahoo had an article. The comments ranged from a bunch of prudes to a bunch of conspiracy theorists thinking NBC was trying to drum up ratings by staging the malfunction. I thought the young lady handled herself with tremendous poise in her post-game

The ice must have been cold.