Jingoism is half the fun of the Olympics.
Jingoism is half the fun of the Olympics.
Hey, we are playing your national anthem and hanging your flag above you in a on a podium that ranks you from best to third best. This has nothing to do with Nationalism or National Pride!
To be fair one time the statue of liberty did attack a rich white guy who was trying to take advantage of a newborn baby while blasting rock and roll.
Yeah, but they hate foreigners telling them what they can or can’t do way more.
Pretty sure most “conservatives” are violently against the principles expressed by the Statue of Liberty
What’s really amazing is that the NFL is better than three of those things.
And lo, on February 12th, we found something in 2018 that both Liberals and Conservatives can agree is really, really stupid.
Whaaa? It’s more than a little weird that a competition whose key appeal is the national pride inherent in cheering on athletes precisely because they share your nationality would have a rule saying you can’t have displays of nationalism.
This was the Watergate of my generation.
Who wins in a race? Julio the Octopus or Teddy Roosevelt?
“David came in and was livid that Julio won,” Mish told New Times.
Good news, Christian Yelich: You have a legitimate mascot race now.
I feel like that’s not what is important here, dude.
Two things...
+1 Trashed hotel room
I’m really disappointed that the US & Canada didn’t get past-their prime stars/now Hall of Famers to suit up. Be entertaining as fuck to see over the hill guys like Kariya, Modano, Anderchuck, Chelios, Hull et al. Hell, through Roenick out there, he’d yap so much.
Unfortunately I went to college around the turn of the millennium and smoked a lot of pot, so any time I see O.A.R. is playing all my head starts doing is muttering a god awful “Mmmhheeet wuz a kra-zee game of hoc-keey.”