
"Hi I'm super interested! I live in San Diego and..." "IT'S A TRAP!!"

Except "the NCAA" isn't college football. They aren't responsible for college football or Athletic scholarships existing. The things that Antoine Turner's own hard work and talent on the football field will give him access to would exist independently of the NCAA.

100 years from now, when they're doing a documentary in the death of the NCAA, the pasta story will be the anecdote used to explain to that generation just how ridiculous things were.

Fucking self serving Gestapo. They can go to fucking hell. Enjoy your flaming ride to eternal damnation Mark Emmert.

Helping him out would be good for his welfare and well being as a student athlete, so of-course the NCAA would have issues with that! Next thing you know he is going to want seconds of pasta.

AD Mark Coyle: Antoine has had a very difficult life and has had to overcome numerous hardships to get to where he is today. We are happy that he has found a home here at Boise State.

In the late 1800, one third of American citizens had one or more parents who immigrated from Germany/Prussia. They left Germany long before the Hitler, and their descendants outnumber you.

You gotta be kidding me. It's spoken everywhere here in Ca.

In terms of NBA vs NFL commentariat, I've been saying for years now that the NBA has far superior commentators. Since Madden and Al Michaels have been downgraded, the NFL is just filled with awful announcing saying horribly mundane and downright patronizing commentary.

Remember Mark Prior and his "perfect mechanics?"

Last night, Lincecum struck out 11 Braves in seven-and-two-thirds, the sort of brief flash that just reminds you of what he lost somewhere along the way, and how unlikely it is that he'll ever get it back.

Really, it's the opposite of an argument for HGH. Injuries of this type are not uncommon in professional baseball and especially among speed pitchers. The reason we see so many of these injuries is because the act of pitching, at the highest level, already maximizes and pushes the upper limit of the human body's

There are worse things.

Science is basically telling us that playing sports is bad for us. I love science, and I love sports, but seriously...fuck Science. I'm trying to watch the game.

As a Twins fan who watched Torii for 10 straight years I completely agree with you Court.

Based on how he was raised, I'm surprised Hunter didn't slap the umpire back. His parents instilled the importance of an "i for an i".

You say, "That kids, is what it looks like when a house explodes." It's not like a pair of tits flew out the garage door.

I don't have a problem with houses exploding per se, but on live television? What am I supposed to tell my kids?

"I don't get it. This would make more sense if he was playing GTA."