
The article doesn't seem to really address the question in the title, but I'll give it a crack.

This man earns 500 respect points for making Li'l Iron Man happy!

In defense of the Dodgers, their standard price package includes displaying the entire pre-nup at the bottom of the screen.

It looks like Frank McCourt raised the price high enough to discourage people from making the same mistake he did.

For $38.50, the Pittsburgh Pirates will display your proposal message on their scoreboard, the cheapest available option

Surely many people will raise questions about the steep price tag to propose at a Houston Astros game. But when you remember that your $500 provides the team with a season's worth of clean drinking water, it all of a sudden becomes worth it again.

The Ohio National Guard lauds the officer's restraint.

And the standard response from someone on the right wing: "It's been a record COLD winter, that proves no climate change! We don't have time to waste on what can happen a century from now! Now, about these Benghazi hearings...."

For pity's sake, why don't you actually ask someone who understands physics to explain this? I am a physicist, so here goes. This is not the "triple point"; feel free to look that up to see what it is.

Given that Jeffrey Loria owned the team in the late 90s, and given that he currently owns a team in South Florida that also draws about 10,000 per game, perhaps you could direct your ire towards him and other owners (ie. Claude Brochu) who disaffected the fans and not the fans themselves.

Something something calling for charges... something something missed the shot anyway.

The reporter shot by the beanbag round was called for blocking.


I love that the Expos garb is still up in that joint. No joke here... have always felt bad for any fan base who lost their team.

I don't think one party speaks for the entire political system in any country. At least, not any country that runs elections. We've had our fair share of wacko political parties here in the U.S. That doesn't mean the serious politicians don't take their jobs any less seriously.

Montreal wants a baseball team. The Rays want a dedicated fanbase. "Le Montreal Rays", anyone?

Though he did acknowledge that his injury did, unfortunately, leave him worse for himself.

Ware he finally lands has yet tibiannounced.

Certainly not the first time one of Kentucky's Couches flamed out.

Wouldn't a super eruption basically destroy the Corn Belt? How could that NOT "endanger the United States"? I don't think anyone thought they'd be getting pyroclastic flows in Maine. It's the ashfall across the midwest that's the real catastrophe. The evacuation of entire states like Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska and