Oh, you just have your magic underwear in a bind.
Oh, you just have your magic underwear in a bind.
Wow - so JR isn’t the first Smith in Ohio who failed to make it to Utah:
+ 88 mph
So Kaepernik is being blackballed by two leagues?
Indeed - this story made me feel Ill(iad).
It’s for those proud few who do/did.
Wow - sorry Cowboys and Bengals - you snooze, you lose!
Interesting - I thought Ajax was a part of violence when he left Greece, not the other way around.
I get that, but if they think that they’ve a chance at the playoffs and maybe the Super Bowl, wouldn’t it make sense to keep him around? It sure looked like their defense could’ve used some help on Sunday Night.
Is the entire team mini-tanking? Why trade away Ha Ha Clinton Dix, who may have a funny name but is a pretty solid d back, for a future draft pick? The Vikings fully exploited that secondary last night - guessing he would’ve helped.
I think you misspelled DJ Durkin a few times there.
Broken leg is so close to Wounded Knee.
Nero sounds pretty disgusting, but at least he didn't try to put his horse on the Board of Regents like the former AD, Caligula.
I like them, but my only issue is that the logo seems almost camouflaged on the black hat and black jersey. They need a blue fish, or a blue or red hat.
It must've. I'd think the Draymond-Durant story could qualify, too.
And Andy Daulton and Joe Flacco must certainly be 2nd and 3rd - maybe not in that order.
Their Super Bowl title was retroactively stripped by the NCAA because of Bountygate.
That looks really good right about now.