
I think he’s referring to Marquis Grissom.


“Not bad!” - Rick Berry

Brian McCann agrees.

R Kelly needs to piss off.

R Kelly needs to piss off.

True story - my grandfather, who was a farmer in SE North Dakota, would only drink Grain Belt. In those days, one could make a bit of extra money picking up empties along the roadside, and sometimes, mice and other varmints would crawl inside of the bottles. There were urban legends about people drinking a Budweiser

And, by the way, I love Grain Belt Primo!

Hopefully it won’t, but then again, people are dumb. All the Dem candidates are just Hillary’s marionettes, in their minds.

Jerryworld looks like it’s ready to host the Republican National Convention in 2020. They could just keep that same setup, reassemble it, and save the GOP thousands of dollars to spend on ads attacking Hillary.

Hey, Draymond’s kicks land MUCH lower than that.

Hey, Matt, it could be worse - at least you’re not being pulled from the game in favor of, say, Julian Edelman.

I’m guessing the money made stripping helped pay for that car.

Looks like the Liverpool PD needs to invest in some Crisco.

Radio is so bad, but I still listen to it. Not only do they not update the format, they don’t update the ads. When was that damned Karz for Kidz jingle recorded - 1994? And we know it’ll be around for another twenty years plus. I’ve started listening to public radio on my commute, which is fantastic, with Mozart and

With that fantastic writers salary that you pull down, you should buy one of these:

I think the ball was juiced that year. Or perhaps it was expansion watering down the pool of pitching.

This is like one of those “Let’s Remember Some Guys” videos.

That jersey does not match his grim and gritty attitude.