
Rickey Henderson and I were both having our cars repaired in the same place and at the same time once a few years ago. We had discussed the Mariners signing Robinson Cano before I even realized who he was. He was nice enough to take a selfie with me.

Scott Scudder

Seeing Ian Rappaort wouldn’t blow away most people. If it were Pete Axthelm, well, that would be different.

Philz has ruined all other coffee for me. It is the finest, hands down.

My brother and I bought the 1989 Donruss set with our allowance money for something like $35. We convinced my father that it was an investment - it would be worth some fabulous amount in the future.

It’s like hurling on ice!

“Did someone say Maverick?”

(commits seppuku)

I haven’t seen a Canadian go down like that since Pam and Tommy Lee’s sex tape.

If his name is Kermit, he has to have a soft spot for the guys with green skin, too.

“Hi Joker.”

Ummm, you guys, he’s totally right. Jurassic Park 2 was a documentary, you know:

I love the Huggins look - perfect for pitching batting practice in Spring Training.

I thought this guy was more into volleyball:

Congrats to Hogwarts!

I don’t think that qualifies as a hot take. That’s a well-reasoned, almost certainly accurate take.

1988! Just one year before the greatest baseball card ever made:

Zaza Pachulia is gonna be PISSED when he goes back to his hometown near Atlanta.

Ahhh, hindsight. I probably could’ve fit in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, too, if I used abbreviations!

I know how this guy feels. A couple of years ago, I tweeted that everyone should vote for Hillary, and almost 66 million people did! I feel powerful.