
As an owner of two Land Cruisers, I approve of this statement.

That was so many rights that she ended up home twice.

"Hey everybody! How about that great Thursday Night Football game tomorrow night huh? That'd be a good way to put all of this domestic abuse stuff behind us! We've got the...Bal...itmore....Ray....uh.... PITTSBURGH STEELERS playing. Who doesn't want to watch Ben Roth....less....damn it."

Much like his Cowboys, Jerry Jones has no defense.

More coming soon on this, obviously.

This isn't the first time I've seen something like this attempted. When I was about 10 years old, we had a player on my baseball team who wore his mitt on his foot. Obviously we didn't use him that often, in fact only when we were up or down by a large margin, or if people came to the game specifically to see him. It

DISCLAIMER: You may not agree with what I have to say here. What you read may piss you off. I'm fine with that. In fact, I'm so fine with it that I've decided that I won't even challenge what you reply back with. Why? I'm done arguing about this with people. I've heard your views and the reasoning you use to support

Happens here in Texas too. In one gas station I noticed a sign that said "Please let us know if the bathroom needs tending to" in English, but then in Spanish it said "Do not throw used toilet paper in the trashcan!"

I've heard a lot of tragic things happen to other people (dead dogs, dead grandmas, "Bank of America foreclosed on my house even though I don't even have a mortgage, this was paid off when I inherited it and has been in the family since 1776")...

But nothing is so tragic than the plaintive sigh of a girl who, during

Sure assholes, make fun of him just because he's brave enough to pursue a dream. I for one admire this man's spunk.

"No Other Men In It, Just Me"

These Aaron Hernandez jail letters are getting weird.

Once you have a family, you will find that you are often too tired to care, and are serving food to a tiny, shouting terrorist who wants a grilled cheese sandwich, which they will then feed to the dog and insist on having an impossible quantity of blueberries, and an ice pop. There's not a whole lot of preparing

Even Tim Duncan's divorces are understated, yet effective and fundamentally sound

I know this seems shocking and senseless to many people, but this sort of thing happens all the time.

Deadspin Commenter: [awakens from three-day bender]

"It was just kind of hard," Welker told the magazine in a story that appears in this week's edition, "one of those deals where you have to endure him, put up with him. ... But he does it to everybody. It's the way he is."

Drunk lady: [sings to herself] Old black water, keep on rollin'/God damn it people, won't you jump in the river with me/Old black water, keep on rollin'

That bird should be careful. The last Falcon to really piss someone off got his house burned down.

Bros before H2Os