They don't make Lone Star in Texas anymore? Jesus. What a fucking farce.
They don't make Lone Star in Texas anymore? Jesus. What a fucking farce.
Is everyone aware that the AP reporter/Eagles beat writer who keeps busting the NFL on this story is, in fact, a former contestant from WETv's Marriage Bootcamp: Bridezillas?
South Park Jerry Jones is the best Jerry Jones.
Exemplar of virtue Reggie Bush condones harsh discipline for even the littlest rule breakers.
I think of ridiculous things to e-mail Drew Magary for the Fun Bag, like, every day. Unfortunately, all of those stupid mind grapes fall from the vine when I'm on the shitter at work. Drew, what percentage of Fun Bag inquiries are either presented to you from or involve a toilet?
This is the Goatse website everyone's been talking about? I don't get it. It's just a guy on a boat.
Nearly nude women prancing about between commercial breaks as genetic hyper-mutants smash their brains into pulp for millions of dollars: educational family programming.
The democratic opponent is a state senator named Leticia van de Putte. She's an empty shirt, and doesn't stand a chance.
The democratic opponent is a state senator named Leticia van de Putte. She's an empty shirt, and doesn't stand a chance.
The reason for the perceived vilification is there's nowhere near enough research to qualify every person's normal social anxiety into a diagnosed mental disease or disorder. Human interaction is very difficult and very complex. Most people don't do it right because we are a complex social animals. But just because a…
Annnnd no. No a zillion times. Who the hell cares what this guy's problem was? He violated the personal space of someone who didn't respond to his advances and couldn't take a hint. The fact that he's a social nincompoop is suddenly his victim's fault? Why is it her responsibility to be nice to him when he was…
You figured right.
During the pre-game broadcast, Warren Sapp made a general ass of himself by putting on his Bucs jersey and then chanting "Put on a jersey!" while dancing around the stage. It was completely asinine.
Because most recipes, in my experience, assume you know how to properly apply the techniques required to complete the dish. Some people don't know that, and most recipes don't teach you how to use the techniques.
It wasn't a trial; it was a hearing to finalize a divorce decree. Also, all parties had notice so there is no due process violation, and nothing in the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure actually requires hearings to take place within a courthouse.
Houston: a great place to live but an awful place to visit.
Hard to beat the Shit Lasagna story that was on several years ago. It's a long read, but worth it.
Some steakists insist the "salting window" is actually no more than five minutes before cooking, but in no case earlier than 45 minutes before cooking. The reason being that salt applied in the five minute window will sit on the outside of the steak and sear into the crust. However, after about five minutes, the salt…
Way outta left field but still made it all the way home. +1