
If only somewhere in the hallowed halls of Gawker Media there was a man with some experience with the market value of photos of an athlete's penis. If only...

There was an amazing article on Slate a while back about Lego and their quality control standards. Essentially, every Lego brick is manufactured within such a high degree of tolerance and quality, that virtually any standard brick ever made will fit perfectly with any other standard Lego brick ever made ever, assuming

Clearly you've not been to some of the seedier Chinese restaurants in Bellaire.

Why does King hate the film?

It's not like they just tossed her an old Red Rider and told her not to shoot her eye out. Check out how expensive that thing is. http://www.pyramydair.com/s/m/Feinwerkbau_700_Aluminum_Blue/1030;jsessionid=8E1A6075AD1BD199F00F42EDE3855E1A.app02

Wait, how many times did that shark jump?

In Texas, we can buy most of that haul at Academy faster than it would take buying it over the internet.

Jerry only uses a spherical keyboard.

Really? Because there's a very successful fruit/smartphone company that would love to disagree with you.

How do you steal a bike in broad daylight? I imagine the pedestrians and people looking out nearby windows would pretty much stop most would-be thieves. Or does it not matter, since there's virtually no chance the police will ever catch you, so who cares if there are witnesses?