Ive only done this during car cruises while hanging out the back of my old convertible. You version looks far more exciting!
Ive only done this during car cruises while hanging out the back of my old convertible. You version looks far more exciting!
I tired to get into a Dart but the deals and incentives just weren't there. I got into a Fiesta ST for $60/Month less and couldn't be happier.
The insurance company will tell you that when driving conditions weren't ideal, that's the time you should stop flooring it.
My E28 laughs at some of the vehicles on this list. Over 300k and counting. Engine still has almost perfect compression. Transmission is fine, just about no real rust. Diff is fine.
Not one fucking volvo....da fuq is this shit?
Why is writing this article necessary? Are you that bereft of journalistic integrity and something better to do with your time? This doesn't even have anything to do with cars. Go get a blogger account and post this stupid drivel there.
some girl wrote her dad a text message (~160 characters). dad spun it into whole blog post and one of his cronies spun it even further and jumping into conclusions created hateful, offensive and prejudiced rant about nothing particular in the end. journalism at its finest!
people are rude and often have no filter... That's not news. My guess would be this TSA agent has a young daughter or granddaughter and felt the girl was underdressed so he said something about it... was it his place to do so, probably no
So you're saying that it took GoT 12,000 years to advance as far as we got in only 11,300 years. Which basically means they are developing technology 94% as fast as we are. But even that is over stating the case a bit.