
I rewatched DBZ trying to filter in as many flaws as i could to remove my childhood bias, I came away with an even better perspective, revealing a surprisingly heartwarming and profound plot within each arc. it might seem pointless when the villain finally dies to be replaced shortly after, and some of the fights have

Sailor moon is probably the first anime i ever SAW, maybe Kiki's Delivery Service, which isn't on the list for some reason :/

uub is the reason we know goku is a bad parent....aside from nearly getting everyone killed by making his kids fight the last 2 villains instead of taking care of it himself...

Uub as a character is honestly a really dumb idea [not for diversity reasons though, that might be one of the most necessary things long term]
But Uub is the guy goku is like "i know its peace time, and i haven't spent any time with my kids in a long time, especially goten who never really knew me, im gonna go raise

Yep, I learned the hard way with MERP, dont get your hopes up for a public fan project.

at least for the great song, i really want to see someone do the arda genesis justice, that shit is just mind blowing to read.

Ill admit it, when ss20 turned out to be the flaming shoe of ass kicking i laughed.

nevermind, i dont know how :(

you know what i hadn't even considered it. sorry, ill remove now.

you are using an example of a forum of criticism to wave your hate towards pc and justify your gaming preference. that makes you just as bad if not worse for making such a dumb statement to begin with.

people dont know the simarillion though. gollum is popular to be a eye catching article header.

Berserk is the worst, because it plays with your emotions, especially love and betrayal....GRIFFITH!!!!!!!!

what cradle? He was born of a corpse! CURSED! :D

cant tell if complementing...
anyway, yes, no pissing matches, I only brought up that point because we are on the edge of a graphical void when it comes to some games, benchmark it on crysis 3 i guess, these parts aint up to par.

cant tell if complementing...
anyway, yes, no pissing matches, I only brought up that point because we are on the

most of these are mid-low tier. not bad stuff but most of us with 5 year old systems are starting to look into some serious upgrades, this stuff is a bit dated.

most of these are mid-low tier. not bad stuff but most of us with 5 year old systems are starting to look into some

I have always known this somehow, just never been formed into words. Link embodies the player and the player embodies link. I think that connection is easier because link never speaks for your actions, he just acts, and his emotional responses are always appropriate for the context of the situation. Not that he is

best comparison...wow.

i did :/
never really had an issue with it.

ok, after reading your other comments, you are entitled to your opinion, but i'm not the only person who thinks your opinion is at the least stupid and the most the result of a malformed brain.
you think even a game like the one above is an easy thing to make then you are in fact stupid. you have no concept of how much

um...octodad is fantastic. should not even be mentioned in the same breath as goat simulator. Octodad has more in common with a point and click adventure game than a simulator for one, and it is amazingly animated and funny.