Halladay In Cambodia

Also a great way to hide the kids when the blue states begin confiscating them for the mandatory post-3rd trimester abortions put into law under Obamacare.

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I'm going to take some liberties with your question: The Cranberries. I couldn't stand them in the mid-90's, mostly because every day in 11/12 high school art class, the seniors would hijack the crappy CD/radio we had in the classroom and played the same album till our ears bled. Two of us were always pushing for

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Your current job: How'd you come to land it and On a scale of 1 (hate it) to 10 (love it), where do you fall?

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One of the best interviewers on the planet, Howard Stern, interviewed musician Donovan two days ago. Donovan a great interview; some of the stories he had were just mind boggling, as they involve being deeply intertwined with The Beatles during the creative stage of their album making. It's a long listen, but

It's this guy:

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Since Mark Knopfler was already mentioned, I'll add two modern rock songs to the mix with badass guitar solos:

One of the unintended consequences of traveling back to 1984 with Papa John is that Peyton's ability regressed back to 1984, when he would have been 8 years old. He'll have to wait another 22 years to regain his championship winning abilities.

For once, the Cleveland Browns failed attempt to woo Adam Gase from Denver looks like it was for the best.

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Also another of BTBAM... finest covers: Queen's Bicycle Race:

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Metal band doing flawless cover of Pink Floyd's Us and Them? Between The Buried And Me... doing a flawless cover of Pink Floyd's Us and Them!

Amazing album for sure. It was played in heavy rotation in my car for about six months after its release and still gets a top to bottom listen at least once a year.

Never seen any the Star Wars movies in their entirety, nor do I intend to.

"What I wouldn't give to be that dog..."

Oh yes, Dirty Dancing and Footloose too.

I couldn't stand Moulin Rouge. It was one of those movies where I thought before I watched it, "well, it's not typically in the genre of movies I prefer, but how bad can it be?" The best/worst part is the lovely young lady I saw it with thought it was amazing and upon learning I didn't care for it, ended the date

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Another one of their 'not on the greatest hits compilation' songs that I really dig:

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I'm very hit and miss with the Stones, but I love this song and video: