Halladay In Cambodia

You sweet summer child. 

I gotta say, it sure seems like all of Deadspin’s soccer writers dislike VAR (as a thing AND its application) even though, virtually 100 pct of the time, it proves its worth and gets things RIGHT.

Looks to me like VAR did exactly what it was supposed to on that call. You couldn’t tuck your arms in any further to try to avoid the handball than that defended did. Textbook ball to hand in my opinion, but I can see why the ref originally called a handball in a split second decision.

Jabrill can finally step out from the shadow of his Toledo Peppers brethren, Brian J.

What is the line on the Quadfecta?

If Iran REALLY needs shoes, all they have to do is pretend to be George Bush and countless people across the Middle East will have no problem throwing shoes at them.


Also, drinking while on meds. When I was a young idiot on antidepressants, I figured the warning was purely physical and thought I was only risking a hemorrhage or something if I mixed the two. One drink in and I would just start bawling as a side effect.

A guy I used to work closely with committed suicide one weekend completely out of the blue. He was the kind of guy you’d never expect to do something like this. I had seen him the Thursday before he did it and he was his typical, ebullient self when we talked. Turns out, he had recently begun a new anti-depressant

This is a good point. Throw in prescription drugs after a night on the town, certainly seems plausible. Man. This sucks, I filed Bordain under the “things I actually like” Tag.

What a shit sandwich. He seemed like he enjoyed life, his show, and those around him so much. Such a waste.

“the Eagles offered to send only a tiny handful of representatives”

I have a cousin that has ALS. She got it young, in her 30's. She went downhill fast, but then plateaued and has been the same for about 10 to 12 years. She can still talk, but she has to go slow. She can use a computer, but has to use her toes to type. She requires round the clock care. I think in rare cases she can

Reading is hard, I know. I mentioned the Rocket’s own limpdick shooting behind the arc as a main culprit. Also, “upset”? That’s a stretch. I was merely hoping to avoid another Cavs vs GS Finals. I give you an F for fuck you, you dumbshit cunt.

Damn, and here I thought your first comment was just ironic in a way I didn’t get.

Tottenham Bonespur

If they wanted it to leave, they just should have denied it a new, taxpayer-funded stadium

Flyers Fans Dismayed To Learn Gabe Kapler Also In Charge Of NHL Competition Committee