
It's almost- if not quite- unplayable on the 360. Lengthy, multi-second loading screens every time you exit out of the map, Nemesis System or upgrade maps. Texture lag. Cut scenes that start and stop randomly.

I sometimes think Deadspin is too hard on Simmons, but yeah, he's consistently pretty awful when it comes to women. It doesn't come from a place of explicit misogyny, but there's a glib dismissiveness that comes naturally to him, and it's unpleasant to read.

I've never understood the inclination toward re-treads among NFL teams. It's one thing if, say, Andy Reid becomes available after a bad season and a long tenure with one franchise. But I struggle to understand why so many teams are so eager to throw jobs at proven failures instead of hiring someone who, at the very

I will say that I'm a big, big fan of Ezra Klein, Writer and Journalist. I find his work to be intelligent, insightful, clear and well-written. He has a way of getting at elements of a story that I always wish got more attention, which, I suppose, means that in praising him I'm being more than a touch arrogant

In fact, I had a professor who worked in sports reporting and told the class at great length that he loathed reporters who asked, "So, can you talk about that?" questions. It's part of your job to craft a reasonable question, so put some damn effort into it.

It's the Jimmy Johnson commercial that annoys me. I mean, look, set aside any sort of beer elitism, because I'm not one to talk, and I get that Budweiser has a product to sell. But, "Joe was drinking Bud Light, which means he was up for anything."

Come the fuck on. That beer is ubiquitous. "Hey, see that random guy in

Dammit, beaten out by Mykel Sivak again. That guy's been a thorn in my side since two minutes ago when I read his name for the first time.

The article is "click bait" because...it takes a deliberately balanced, comprehensive, non-controversial approach to a subject?

THANK YOU, Drew. I've been bitching about the fade route for years. I don't mind it on early downs- it's low-risk, and a big receiver can make the play impossible to defend. But it's such a low-percentage play that I don't understand why anyone runs it on a must-convert down.

Baseball Mogul once auto-generated a player named "Nate Hitler." I had to draft him, of course.

Such an odd, mean-spirited piece. Jarrett's a White House official, which means she's always fair game for criticism, but everything here is so substance-free. "Defended Eric Holder" is just thrown out there with little attempt to engage the merits of the defense. And the idea that she undermined Bill Daley...so? Bill

Mr. "Polo" loves his commas, doesn't he?

I'm particularly disappointed with my adopted home state of Colorado, where Mark Udall ran a campaign almost wholly dedicated to speaking to women and pointing out how extreme Cory Gardner was on re-productive rights. And women turned out at the lowest level in years, and so we lost a really solid Senator who did good

I think what you see on OKC is an example of a classic asshole-driven internet doom spiral. People flock to the site because it's free, fun and easy to navigate (the interface really is remarkably simple). Eventually you get a significant user base, and you reach a critical mass where it mathematically makes sense for

She looks nothing like Taylor Swift!

A friend of mine wrote a book called "Evaluating Baseball Managers." It's received pretty solid reviews. No hardcore statistical analysis, but Jaffe's numerically literate and learned.

I'm just saying, you like Momoa's performance now, but that's only because you didn't see my unique, pudgy-white-guy-with-glasses interpretation on the character. Never understood why Benioff and Weiss went a different direction.

When will this country finally get to a place where it lets same-sex couples make the same drunken, tasteless, immediately regretted mistakes as hetero couples?

I'm kind of surprised Jada Pinkett-Smith had to audition at all. You'd think everyone involved would just be happy to have her on their FOX comic book show.

It's the setting of a fourth-tier Stephen King novel. A woman from Maine is hit by a car and falls into a coma, where she dreams of a hellish job working the fry station at a deserted Burger King with no customers and an evil ghost as manager.