
White man’s burden?

The issue isn’t her race. She’s essentially living in blackface. And that’s frowned on.

Women hit their physical peak much earlier than men. They plateau there for a longer time, but there is no comparing a man at 30 and a woman at 30.

I was thinking that this was like prostate examination day in med school, where all the guys pair up and get their prostate examined.

Eat to Live vs Live to Eat.

We won't be able to get past the 'murder' part. As a general rule, I will value the life of a human more than an animal, and the circle of life does involve death. Death in the wild is brutal. The options are starvation, disease or predation. The death dealt out by hunters is no crueler than the death dealt out by

This is true, but a canned hunt is most profitable for the people who manage the hunting refuges.

"For about the last 10,000 years, ever since the woolly mammoth went extinct, man's only real source of ivory has been dead elephants."

Tell that to the Africans.

Did you try shaving your head?

i never said or implied that.

Your own citation says that he told him to dump her. That's the proper advice. Everything else is speculation.

Agreed. You could spend all week writing up rules to block offensive names, and you'd still miss some.

In regards to the USA, research has consistently shown that income and smoking are negatively correlated. I doubt that the correlation exists for drinking.

I don't think you can say that the number of states that allow SSM is indicative of the change in the country's view on homosexuality. The majority of those states had it forced on them by the courts.

The article isn't currently pulling, so I cannot read it, but I can't help thinking that this will be an entry in Snopes.

I remember this being discussed in the 90s, but part of the problem was that there wasn't much outrage among Native Americans. Sports Illustrated commissioned a poll that found that most Native Americans (on reservations and off) didn't find the name offensive, and that there was actually a significant contingent of

Go downstream to the citations that I make to the CDC, and the reasoning behind this.

Instead, he was Hispanic and got away with it. Darn Hispanic privilege.