
This episode has my one of my favorite lines. "Scour the professional ranks. The American League, the National League, the Negro League!"

Zing! You sure told me.

They closed all of the settlements in Gaza, and Gaza elected Hamas.

And if the Palestinians insist on continuing wars that they can't win, they deserve to be pummeled, like any other country would be.

They would also be safer by not pursuing men after having children.

I got the stat for gay/bisexual from Stats Canada. I'm assuming that the prevalence is the same in the US.

Because the probability is so much lower.

It comes down to probability. Gay men (or rather, men who have had sex with men) are more likely to be infected with HIV (and about half are unaware of this) than men who haven't had sex with men.

No one is ostracized for not giving blood.

Given the numbers you have presented, this would result in about 0.001% of the blood supply from gay men being HIV positive (and not knowing it), yet test negative for HIV.

2% of gay men have HIV, with half of these not aware of their infection (source - CDC).

So . . .

So good.

What does 'allegedly has a swastika tattoo' mean?

Sounds like the NCAA should be worried about lawsuits too.

Actually, its lower than 50%. It's closer to 40%, at least for first marriages.

You're Not Just Marrying Your Partner, You're Marrying His or Her Family Too

Keep the name but change the mascot to a potato.

Colour me skeptical. This seems more like a common way to draw a cartoon. Stop looking for offense, because it isn't meant to be offensive here.

I'm going to address your last point, because it's the flimsiest. The majority of Native Americans don't care about this issue.