
Just throwing this out here. If Native Americans can't agree that these things are offensive, why should I think that they are offensive?

Wait, big eyes and white teeth are a stereotype of Native Americans? Since when?

Viking isn't a negative racial stereotype? So other kinds of negative stereotypes ARE okay?

Asserting something doesn't make it so.

Chief Wahoo is no more racist than Hagar the Horrible or the fighting Irish midget.

No problem if I'm putting wheat germ in my smoothies?

Utah has online renewal.

I agree that 'whole-grain' is a nebulous term, I tend to judge my whole-grain bread by heft (more density) and texture (rougher).

I've got a question on the carbs issue. What's the issue on whole grains (whole-grain bread, steel-cut oats, etc.)? Are they out too, are they acceptable?

If you're willing to go with three ingredients:

Huh, it didn't push credit-repair services on me.

They shouldn't put up a statue of him because he's accomplished squat since college.

I'm going to chalk this up to clunky writing.

For as poorly as it did, the Dana Carvey Show sure has some impressive connections.

Never think that there is a last word in science.

Actually, its just part of the standard rules of argument. The asserter has to back the assertion.

In other words, no you can't. Thanks for trying to fob your responsibility to back your assertions on me, but no thanks.

1) Perfect? No. A reasonable facsimile? Certainly.


You may deride Murray and Herrnstein's claims in The Bell Curve, but the consistent difference in SAT/ACT scores, and achievement, in spite of significant efforts to improve educational opportunities, does suggest they were on to something.