Remember the term 'Digital Brownshirts'? This branding has been going on for decades.
Remember the term 'Digital Brownshirts'? This branding has been going on for decades.
Didn't realize that Mexicans look just like anglos.
Shouldn't it be the opposite (ie, the null hypothesis)? There's been a lot of bad science, and a lot of lousy reporting, on the research examining the intersection of biology and sexual orientation.
Thank you. That was a well-reasoned response.
So reporters treated this much like the claims that homosexuality is genetic.
Yeah, this is just taking Malthus' ideas with a more sophisticated algorithm.
Some of these influences are circular. Food, religion, most certainly. New Zealand? A bit of a stretch (New Zealand currency? Sure).
I think the problem is more with the dyes and not the fabrics.
Battle Royal was already made into a manga.
I wasn't the original poster. I'm indifferent to teh gays.
You're right. I don't care, and I don't watch.
You shouldn't care about them. We don't whine (as much).
So? They're ~3-5% of the population. Why should I care?
You understand that they don't really exist. That maybe, just maybe, you misunderstood things.
It can reduce their already weak impulse control (assuming addicted = weak impulse control).
All I have stated is that America's low life-expectancy (in comparison to other industrialized nations) can be explained, in part, by the life expectancy of one of its sub-populations, African Americans. They make up a meaningful part of the population, they have a significantly lower life expectancy, and when you…
Why not? African Americans are a larger proportion of the US population than Scots are of the UK population, they have a significantly lower life expectancy from white Americans (per the CDC), and there are demonstrable reasons why they have this lower life expectancy (higher murder rate, higher infant mortality,…
If you go up the thread to your original comment, you asked why the US wasn't deep blue. I've offered an explanation. This isn't an endorsement of the status quo, or a claim that things are fine, its an explanation.
If you go up the comment thread to JustVisiting, he asked how the US was not in the deep blue (ie, why life expectancy was so low). I gave an explanation. African American mortality is significantly higher (ie, they die younger) than white mortality.
I agree, ethnicity/race doesn't cause poverty. But there are clear patterns for race when we look at poverty. African Americans, I'd argue, have a shorter life expectancy, not because they are African Americans, but because they have a higher level of poverty. And it is generally accepted that African Americans…