Anyone who misses meeting random people on Xbox Live never played Uno. Fuck that game.
Anyone who misses meeting random people on Xbox Live never played Uno. Fuck that game.
I feel you. My high school bully was an aspiring hockey player who thought he was King Shit and had the posse behind him. He was basically a combination of Biff Tannen and Marty McSorley. After high school we all went our separate ways and I basically forgot about him until I read about him in the newspaper. Turns out…
I resent the “bullies are in pain too” justification. Okay that’s true, but everyone hits some form of hard times in their lives. Like you said, it’s how we choose to deal with it. And bullies, even children on a simpler level, make that choice. Children may not fully understand the emotions and complex consequences,…
Whoa actually hold up. Who’s to say she’s a bad kisser? Maybe he sucks.
He doesn’t like tongue? At all? Lips focused? What are we at the middle school dance? Maybe uh give her some tongue. How about a compromise half tongue; half lips.
I’m just saying here, if he comes in all like “this is how I want it” maybe she’s…
I would argue that the core of feminism is about men and women communicating and treating one another as equals. This guy isn’t doing that, therefore he’s not a feminist.
That’s a fair assessment that can also be fired right back at the woman. This is a situation where extreme compromise will need to be worked on for a relationship to thrive, even a friendship with “bros” as I’ve experienced with friends who have special needs siblings.
Wait, the FIRST guy? Did you even read the second letter???
My good bitch, you sound triggered
People’s words are upsetting you? But I thought words had no power?
Stop fucking worshipping idubbbz as some intellectually enlightened, moral touchstone. At best he’s a shock-value comedian who’s finally realizing the extent to which he can continue to scrape the bottom of the comedic barrel before his channel becomes as bland and mediocre as the channels he criticizes. His recent…
The consequences are he gets made fun of for acting like a baby
If the word N() or C() or other such is in your own vernacular to the point where it can even remotely slip out of your mouth without control, you need to go see a therapist, and possibly your mother.
Woof. The excuse of, “I was just super upset,” is so lame. Trying to excuse vile stuff you said because things got heated doesn’t change the fact that YOU said it.
If you grow up in certain areas, your “accent” tends to imply your race if you come from an urban area, they will assume and spout it off. I’m just saying though, in general it gets tiring hearing people spout off the n word or say things like winston fucked my mom thats how i was born kinda stuff.
I either get weird reactions because I’m a woman or when they can hear that I’m German. Then there are the creepy ones who are a bit too happy about my ancestry.
Several bankruptcies and 304 electoral college votes.
The thing is in Canada our black population is tiny ( though mostly in Toronto) there really is “wider cultural use” of the N word here. There’s no reason to use it outside of a racial slur.
As a white male, I, too, get called this often. It is quite tiring.
Good riddance. As a black male. I hear this every single day on Overwatch/league/anything I play online. It gets very tiring.