
I’ve worked with asylum seekers and related ngos for years - reports out of Russia, Chechnya, Iran, amd similar anti-LGBTI countries have made me vomit. I had to ask to not work on such cases because I was too emotionally and mentally affected, and could not be impartial. Even if they do escape, LGBTI asylum seekers

Rapey vibes for sure. The words “torture”, “against your will,” and “chocking” are major red flags

Baby girl, I’m pretty wild. I’m a webcam model. I’ve tried a lot of things.

Maybe there was actually a different reason for his divorce.

Unless he’s supernaturally awesome in ways you’re not sharing, I’d say no way. But I’m one who doesn’t think all kink is okay.

This “clarification” that JonTron has offered makes part of his problem incredibly clear.

It is perfectly possible for a person of a racial or ethnic background other than “Anglo-European” to hold particular prejudice—or even racist beliefs—toward white folk. Similarly, it is possible for a woman to hold sexist beliefs

Stupid, ignorant, and disgustingly prejudiced.

“Discrimination certainly exists but I do believe it goes all ways,” he said. As evidence of this, Jafari pointed to a sketch by Samantha Bee, where she jokingly blames white people for Trump’s election. “I suppose you could guess the reaction if Samantha Bee said black people ruined America for voting overwhelmingly

“People looking at this think I’m some kind of explicit ethno-nationalist, but I’m not,”

I don’t think you understand “polar opposite end of the spectrum.”

If by “opposite ends of the spectrum” you mean “one side is sane and reasonable and the other it batshit insane,” then maybe your point makes sense. But you keep repeating “opposite sides of the spectrum” like Sarkeesian is the moral equivalent of Gamergate, which is why people are piling on you so much.

There’s nothing “extreme” about her and her views and opinions. That’s what everyone is trying to tell you.

I like to go to http://www.areyousorryyet.com/ which shows before and after tweets of Trump supporters who got fucked by his policies. There are even Muslim Americans who voted for him. Cognitive dissonance is a trip. 

Seriously. Like I said above, I’ve only seen a few of his videos from other friends, but I really don’t know much about him - so I’ve basically read about all of it from an outside perspective, and it doesn’t really seem that surprising to me at all.
It is super weird to think that he is so batshit insanely alt-right w

It’s kind of like how people who voted for Trump are surprised that he’s going through with all the horrible things he’s said he would.

Wait, I’m really not that familiar with Jontron and only watched a few of his videos every now and then, but he’s been an open gamergate supporter this whole time?! Interesting that so many people seemed shocked by the what’s happened recently, then.

I mean, we did? Like, the way he actively supported a group of misogynist hate criminals was kinda a clear tip off, and anyone who continued to believe he was a decent dude after that was either ignorant of that connection - willfully or otherwise - or a Gator arsewipe themselves.

See, I was kind of on the side of gamergate until i realized it was just alt-right propaganda. I’m all for actually making sure there’s checks and balances but it infuriated me when it basically just summed up to...

fucking... harassment. :(

In all honesty, JonTron was an active gamergate supporter and we should’ve