
Speaking as a white male feminist who voted for Hillary, I can tell you with confidence that the left side of the Democratic party is actively pushing white males to the Republican party. They’re being sent very clear signals that they are not wanted, so they are naturally leaving to the other half of our two-party

Here’s why this matters. I am 32 years old. I still have very distinct memories of my second grade class celebrating Black history month February 1993, and wondering to myself how much longer this month would go on- Because at 8, I did not understand the importance of taking a moment to single out Black American’s

Not that you care, but white men are now CONSTANTLY told that we didn’t earn anything we have. That we need to shut up. That we are ‘mansplaining’ and appropriating and white-washing and not only do we hear these things constantly, but it’s all OK to say (and I’m sure you are thinking right now that I should shut up

As a fellow liberal straight white man (with a beard, no less!) I’m so glad that THIS one has arrived to tell me I’m doing it all wrong. Finally!

Hitler did some good stuff too, you know. For example, he killed Hitler.

“OK people, step one is get that statue of Jay Z out of here. He said a lot of nasty things about me.”

Darin de Paul is like the sweetest man ever. I’ve never met a VA more passionate about what he does and the characters he creates. When I cosplayed Garrosh at BlizzCon ‘14, he came over to me with the most adorably excited, fanboyish glee ever. I had no idea who he was until he told me he did the voice of Blackhand in

The PE thing hit me hard, what a cunt.

I’ve never seen an MMO anime, yet as someone who’s put in over 55 hours playing healers in Overwatch this still rings true based simply on the personality Blizzard’s given those characters.

As someone who dutifully plays as a healer in lots of different multiplayer games, I’m honestly rather surprised that people are eroticizing it. I’ve wanted to put a leash on people I’ve healed sometimes, but in order to keep them from constantly running blindly into near-certain death, not because of a kink.

Absolutely, without him the game would only have been good. With that score, it became a legend.

Final Fucking Fantasy VI.

But that’s fine

I think we know who really got the PoTG:


How about diversity for the sake of giving everyone a fair chance to get hired because as it stands if you’re anything other than a white male you’ve already got a strike or two against you.

Pretty much.

Ehh, I’m what the KiA/Gamergate echo chamber would call an SJW, and I don’t think this really needed explanation and it definitely doesn’t need reform. Just don’t make Zelda so passive when she adopts her Zelda persona. There’s a reason why people loved Tetra and hated it when she became Zelda.

2016 in Game Development: We thought about adding women but then we thought ‘What about the mens?’