
This is why I started running my own guilds. Too many creeps when applying to raiding guilds, it always ended exactly the way you would expect. So I started leading my own raids and my own guilds, and could curate the people I surrounded myself with. This is what kept me playing for so many years, but I’ve quit WoW

Yeah, no. That’s not what he said. Paint groups of people with a broad brush, you’re going to rub some of them the wrong way. It happens. I am not responsible for his thoughts, I have explained it from a feminine perspective for him. He’s an adult and can form his own opinions.

Lol, okay then. I don’t need to prove I’m a woman. If I’m a sock puppet, this account has been active for a very long time on Gawker, so that’s a level of masterful trolling I’ve not yet seen in my life. Playing the really long game.

Hi, “supposed ladyfriend” here. He means well, he’s not pompous. I get where you’re coming from, I do, I have been on the receiving end of so much sexual harassment and assault in my life, he knows these things too. We’ll chalk this up to a brain fart and call it a day.

So many dick pics in Uno. Wtf was that about?

Robert Pattinson 2.0. Weird looking, smug rich white boy, thinks he’s some kind of God cause tweens throw their panties everywhere he goes.

Most of the epic meltdown videos I’ve seen to showcase Overwatch’s toxic community have been from PS4 players, surprisingly enough. PC too. I play on the Xbone mostly (I own it for PC too), and I rarely encounter these people on Xbone. And when I do, they’re generally children. Real, literal children who can’t handle

Yep, I use it for training heroes I don’t normally play so when I’m in that rare comp match where someone else will instalock support, I can be useful still. I’ve got 76, Reaper, Zarya, D. Va, Torbjorn and Tracer at a point that I feel comfortable taking them into comp. I’m practicing McCree, Rein and Pharah now. Rein

I think there are plenty of communities more toxic than Overwatch, to be honest. I receive a lot less harassment and general douchebaggery playing OW than any other online shooter or MOBA I’ve played before.

Nope. I’ve never hurled gendered or racial slurs at anyone, or about anyone, or into a fucking vacuum. Now a healthy dosage of creative uses of fuck, absolutely. But racial epithets aren’t even in my lexicon. Time for some serious self-reflection if this is your go-to reaction when you’re upset.

My team switches to game/team chat from our party in most comp games. There have been times where we’ve decided to go back to party though, there are some truly heinous people you run across. When I solo queue, I listen to chat but I do not speak. Every time I’ve tried, it’s ended poorly. I get creepy messages or I

Yep. Not bitter anymore, disappointed by people who screwed over me still for sure, and sad at times for the loss of my normal able-bodied life. But I love my life as it is now, and I love my career. There’s a lot to be thankful for, and life is too short to waste on hate. Hate is useless, hate brings nothing of value

That’s great for you. Not something I’m able to do, but more power to you.

This is illegal in California, as you need consent from both parties before you can record.

I have a friend who was recently dealing with a guy like that at work, he’s the boss. His first warning was to put bird spikes all around the woman’s cubicle to stop this dude from hanging off it all the time. Dude didn’t take the hint. So he had a sit-down conversation with him about it. Next day, there’s the dude

So I’m stupid and useless and deserve to lose my job because I can’t work physical labour jobs, being that I’m disabled? My job isn’t really working because I don’t rebuild engines for a living? Fuck you and your ableist bullshit.

I play a lot of competitive, and always get my bonus boxes for the arcade crap each week. The vast majority of my lunar boxes were sprays and avatars, a staggering amount of dupes, and the legendary skins I did get I purchased with my credits. I got Mei’s red one, and Winston three times from the 11 boxes I paid

Yes, one of the other bits in this video was getting a guy dressed like Jesus to say, “Hitler did absolutely nothing wrong.” He also flashed many stills of Nazi imagery throughout, and made a comment about how it was ironic Jews were finding yet another way to fuck over Jesus.