His inclusion of “And can I just point out the irony of the Jews finding yet another way to fuck over Jesus” is telling. Sweden is one of the more anti-Semitic nations in Europe.
His inclusion of “And can I just point out the irony of the Jews finding yet another way to fuck over Jesus” is telling. Sweden is one of the more anti-Semitic nations in Europe.
Most AAA games are between 40 and 60GB now. 70GB for an MMO isn’t that bad.
As an animator, this video makes me cringe. Cute, but that’s some seriously low-effort animating.
“Equality is NEVER about tearing one side down, it’s about bringing other sides up.”
Of all of the comments I’ve made on Kotaku over the years, this is without a doubt the one that gets the most attention even this many years after the fact. I’m sorry about your cat, that’s really rough. And I do know the pain of sports injuries, my knees have deteriorated to the point that I use a cane on a regular…
The Crown (prosecution) doesn’t work for the victims. They are not the victims’ lawyers. They have no obligation to prepare victims for what will happen in the courtroom, they do not investigate the alleged crimes or any of that. The onus is on the police who take the initial statements to do follow-ups, and the…
Could be a little eyeliner and mascara, I can’t get a good enough look at the eyes. Some guys look like that naturally, the lucky bastards, with super thick black eyelashes that go for days.
That website is awful. “STOP PUSHING YOUR LESBIAN VALUES ON MEEE!” Good lord, I haven’t rolled my eyes that hard in a long fucking time.
I paired Azura off with Ryoma, and took Silas as my husband. Kana turned out fine, one of my strongest characters and always in my roster.
Thanks, that’s really sweet of you. I did actually use Recuva and a few other similar programs, but I couldn’t get the videos back. The files were all corrupted. It still hurts, but I uploaded some of them to YouTube and Facebook so I still have pieces of her silly smiles and noises, not as much as I’d like, but at…
This was months ago now. Hopefully the links will help someone else, I did everything I could to recover what bits of data were possible. I got a handful of pictures back and a few Maya files, everything else was unretrievable though.
I willingly upgraded to Windows 10 from 8.1. Everything was fine and dandy for a few weeks, I liked it. It was slick, it worked, I hadn’t had any issues. And then suddenly one day, my computer reboot itself out of nowhere and I was signed into a duplicate account. It looked like mine, it had my name, but all my…
We don’t sleep that way all night, but that is how we go to bed. He cuddles me until I fall asleep and then lays on his back because he has EDS and can’t be on his shoulder like that for too long. And then I roll over and sleep with my face on his chest, or my arm draped over him... Until our wolfdog shimmies herself…
Mm, praise be to the euler filter.
I’ve never received so many dick pics as I did when I played Uno on the 360. I didn’t even have a camera, just my voice was enough to solicit multitudes of creepy cock shots. I saw disembodied dicks of all size and colour.
My husband has complex partial seizures with infrequent tonic clonics. He was diagnosed at 24, but believes he was having partials since he was a kid, he just didn’t know what they were.
I’m glad to hear that!
My husband and I have been together for 12 years, we have mismatched libidos. His is low, mine is high. It has caused problems, I remember having a conversation years ago about it feeling like we were roommates who happened to share a bed rather than SOs. We make sure to show affection and intimacy daily, it keeps us…
There’s a reason they lost so many seats. They moved to the center to appeal to unhappy Conservative voters, and it cost them dearly. They abandoned their party’s principles, they are not our socialist party anymore. They’re just another group of liberals.
One of his top advisors is Marc Garneau, an astronaut. I have high hopes for Mr. Trudeau. My parents were die-hard supporters of his father (as Albertans even, which is basically blasphemy... had a lot of vandalism done to our property during elections because of it). He’s younger than most world leaders, but he’s…