
Someone doesn’t know how to stay on model when drawing inbetweens.

That’s a cape buffalo, and like most bovines are pretty god damn placid. Really skillful, shooting a cow.

This is probably the type of person who waited for the wolves to leave Yellowstone’s borders before shooting every last one they could. Hunters like to pay lip service to things like conservation and maintaining healthy populations, but when they’re faced with a natural predator who will do that job better than they

Except for wolves.

It looks nice in the screenshots, but looks pretty damn terrible in the video. So... yeah.

Ugh, I was yelling at my screen the entire time, “Where’s my ‘call the fucking police’ option?!” I never, in a million years, would have gone out to that junkyard again. A text from Nathan saying he’s destroying the evidence of a body? Call 911 and show that shit to them, they can catch the fucker red-handed.

Not into beastiality. :/

For real though, I have a thing for the hairy guys. They keep me warm through the cold Canadian winters.

I feel you on the burn out. I did a second playthrough of DAI over my break, don’t think I’ll be playing it again until more DLC comes out. The Witcher 3 also gave me mad burnout. There’s too much to do, just too much. I left a lot of Witcher contracts and such unfulfilled because after hour 100 I just wanted to

I don’t see anything that sparks my interest, such a shame. Let me know if there are any recent (like in the last year) shows I should check out, I like things that are kind of fucked up (Attack on Titan, Ghost Dog, etc), or make me feel good on the inside (Natsume Yuujincho).

Mass Effect: Firefly. All aboard the hype train, choo choo!

I dunno, Inquisition was pretty rad.

My husband accepts my extra-marital BioWare affairs. Garrus will always be my boyfriend on the side.

Man, speak for yourself. I loved KotOR, and I very much enjoyed my time with SWTOR. I loved the stories, the companions, the romances. It’s a huge fucking game, and you can experience all of it for free. I do not get the hate for SWOR, I really don’t.

For me and my husband. We only have so many HDMI ports on our TV, we have a huge backlog of 360 games we’d love to play but haven’t gotten around to yet, and we’re currently playing games on our Xbone. Now we can do it from one console instead of having to swap out devices to get the 360 hooked up again.

Geralt is super sexy, to me at least. I mean, different people find different things attractive. So your opinion isn't wrong, but it's by far not the only one.

Oh god, I had forgotten about the Jamie Kennedy fiasco. Thanks for the painful trip down memory lane. It’s so... awkward and unfunny.

It’s unnecessary sexualization, which this game is full of.

Not really the same thing. It’s just unnecessary.