
Such a dumb goddamned ad, too. I noticed the sexism. I was actually offended by the pointlessness of it.

If a women wants to play professional football, she can't.

"They were inappropriate and do not reflect the LA Kings."

"Looks like you wandered into the wrong prayer group, Frosty."

Goddamnit Timothy (and Gawker commentariat), never ever let another story about Wolf Blitzer be posted without this picture somewhere:

The saddest part is the douchebro that started it all will actually see an article related to this and think he can now claim a scalp.

I'm gonna hate it when that long string of Roman numerals leaves us.

lol she only came in fourth on Last Comic Standing. Jon Reep won that year.

Let's hope their reaction in discovering the demographic that actually buys it is as hilarious as the guy that sings for Type O Negative, who discovered after he posed for them that, uh...it ain't women buying those magazines.

Damnit, why'd this article have to be so short. It looked like B-I-N-G-O for sure

The genre is in creative bankruptcy. Thankfully (and rarely, for Hollywood) this has lead to sort-of actual bankruptcy.


Awesome, a non-worksafe gif out of nowhere.

"They are bigoted, religious zeolites that see being gay as a sin and wrong, and they blame my daughter."

Male coach in non-revenue sport at unremarkable school does this, does it make the newspaper?

I'm not in possession of ladyparts but I'm gonna assume self-identifying as "involuntarily celibate", or even worse coining a new word from it, is a pretty big vagina-drying step towards a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Too simple.

That's understandable for a few reasons- one being that those dogs are pretty much athletes, and two is that some forms of physical therapy come in handy for animals recovering from injuries/lost limbs.

Guess what. Humans aren't the only ones whose thetans are in need of subluxation (or whatever horseshit).