
Yeah, damn those bloggers and their Youtube and their ability to travel back in time and boo him at the draft for not being Ricky Williams, and their inability to fix that time machine so they just hang out in Philly for a decade criticizing everything about him

The usually forgotten part of the Fouts/Winslow/Muncie triad that made 80s West Coast football fun, until Bill Walsh and his smallball smothered it. RIP.

He's still an airport bookstore favorite.

Good. They've got about 85 more season to lose like this to make up for Harold Ballard.

Is anyone else now expecting to hear that Jennifer Anniston had a single mastectomy like a week earlier?

Next Freakonomics book that Steven Levitt shits out will probably have a "how much Angelina Jolie cost herself in lifetime earnings by removing her breasts" chapter.

Yes- in fact, a lot of the dumber parts of the Saints fanbase was giving Archie shit for cheering for his son instead of his longtime team (and employer). Those people were idiots, because for chrissakes, it's his son.

ahahaha goddamn

Seems like it would be right up their alley, actually.

Chasing that brony dollar.

He wasn't talking about your business, Jessica. He was pretty specifically referring to his own.

Glad to see someone else remembers Weezy's turn as a starfucker.

Seems to be a running theme for Japanese race tracks.

God-damn that was good.

I think the bar has been set low enough in America that this now constitutes a terrorist act.

Probably the right call, although it's worth noting that if this happened in a much poorer district in another area besides say, suburban Connecticut, students would have been right back in that building as soon as the blood was cleaned up.

In other stunning news, people who work together don't always like each other, people who work together and like each other still piss each other off occasionally, and the New York sports media continue to be able to make mountains of the electron microscopic image of a molehill.

Thanks for this. I've been treasuring every bon mot from this guy's mouth since I started reading coverage of Obama's cowardly, shitty decision to gladhand Planned Parenthood and stab them in the back at the same time.

Tiger's sensitive ears then were ripped asunder by the deafening cacophany of a camera shutter closing somewhere halfway across the globe, and he then proceeded to show Sergio exactly how to throw a bitchfit

Yes, damn this rape society that rewards rapists with....an SVU appearance and an Adult Swim cartoon?