MLB uses pink bats for one month for breast cancer awareness = massive coverage
MLB uses pink bats for one month for breast cancer awareness = massive coverage
I love the speed with which language is evolving and generating in online culture, but I weep for the fact that it unerringly picks the dumbest fucking sounding options to make popular.
"Past the gate, big white circus-style tents tethered to generators and heaters formed a temporary village of out-of-state electrical workers, here to aid in the recovery. Some came south from Connecticut, others came north from Tennessee, but none were Islanders, in any sense of the word. Every time we see one of…
He's a conservative hypocrite douchebag who owns a castle with his own moat, refuses to pay his employees actual health insurance then blames Obama for it, and I despise him immensely.
The real answer, of course, is the photo collection that Angel Hernandez must have of Bud Selig doing something illegal to some variety of farm animals and small children.
Well we knew you were competitive, Kobe, but goddamn- facing down your mother over a Teen Choice award?
Oh god. The best parts of Kids in the Hall.
There are plenty of other stand-ups that have talked about their failed sitcoms and how they were coerced in one way or another into making crap decisions because they were in over their head making the switch to TV; for instance from Greg Giraldo to Andrew Dice Clay to Louis CK. So I'll give Cummings that much of…
Do not confuse this one good idea with the many other good ideas he's opposed and bad ideas he's espoused.
Virtually nobody nowadays uses the words pickaninny, sambo, or mau mau to refer to somebody with black skin. By your logic, those words are now magically not at all racist and free game for sports teams to call themselves.
He's trying to burn off some of that creamy white milkiness on his inner thighs.
Is there any real bite to Clery Act enforcement? Apart from the record fine that Eastern Michigan got (the record I was sure Penn State was going to positively destroy, but), and a paltry one at Virginia Tech, I've never seen anything about a college getting in trouble for non-compliance.
If it was just a matter of women's book covers only having "girly themes", that'd be one thing. But they're also more trite, cliched, low effort affairs, and much less likely to be abstract, experimental, or daring. It's doing female authors a disservice- some of those swaps were freaking dead-on.
In Cowherd's defense, Knowing Things has pretty much been established as not being in his bag of tools.
On the other hand, none of these players have been gunned down by their own boosters, so they still have that over Colombia football
Am I the only one?
Yeah, in this case Simmons starts with a good point, then layers it under a weave of insecurity, bitchiness and haughtiness until you start disagreeing just because he's such a goddamned prick about it.
No. At some point you have to move from thinking "turd supreme" to "undiagnosed mental illness".
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