The Gawker article on her also made a pretty great point- she's been perversely rewarded for sex since she was a teenager, first with an appearance on 16 and Pregnant, then Teen Mom, then this, and then endorsements.
The Gawker article on her also made a pretty great point- she's been perversely rewarded for sex since she was a teenager, first with an appearance on 16 and Pregnant, then Teen Mom, then this, and then endorsements.
First thought was the public benefit if this shit was just flat outlawed.
I like the ability of the Internet to somewhat keep targeted marketing campaigns honest. Imagine the kinds of marketing that multinationals would be trying in horribly regressive areas like Saudi Arabia if they didn't worry about it hitting YouTube.
If he's hoping we'll like a thin Republican asshole more than a fat Republican asshole, it should be noted that Mike Huckabee is currently on talk radio trying to supplant Rush Limbaugh, and not eating chicken salad prepared by the White House chef.
The funny thing is I probably enjoyed reading this article more than he enjoyed living there.
hahaha. Like anyone in the Air Force ever has to eat MREs.
Notably shitty part of the article that stands out:
That's not how offense works.
Thank god for Thomas Morstead.
I'm glad she's facing up to her demons. Maybe next she'll have some kind of feminist awakening and realize that being the punching bag to a punchline is financially rewarding but makes her a public joke.
I'm assuming Canadian announcers haven't gotten the memo about not calling black players "boy".
A recluse on the level of JD Salinger. Very few times has she made public appearances, virtually never granting interviews.
Stay classy, MSG.
You're doing the article a disfavor by underselling that Salon piece. It's a fantastic look at a truly, truly kooky motherfucker and how capricious working for a mentally unbalanced CEO can be.
Is there even a campus police force? Because the complete lack of mention of them in the piece made me wonder. Wouldn't a review/policy change by necessity involve them?
well, the book pretty much ends with a dramatic car scene. So that's not shoehorned in- it's just from the 1.5 seconds I saw on the trailer it looked pretty...fake.
Funny how her apology for freaking out on the cop neatly dodges the question of whether she should be apologizing for letting her husband drive drunk.
As a longtime Mira Mesan, anything that gives a hilarious, public black eye to Scripps Ranch is a-ok with me.
It's just Doug's writing. Alt+F4 and move on.