
The Great Gatsby.

A five year old does not need to learn anything about a fucking gun except "if you ever see one laying out DO NOT TOUCH IT and tell an adult."

Every backyard wedding I've been to was a blast, and the couples are still together.

Let's be fair, the kind of person who would buy a 150 dollar panini maker deserves this kind of friends.

Someone call Marcy from Married With Children. She seems like the kinda lady that wouldn't take this shit:

Ok, I'll cop to ignorance: what exactly does in-patient treatment for bipolar disorder consist of? More intense therapy and blood chemistry monitoring?

So....Buzzfeed listicle in longform?

Hmmm so he covers the NBA. Let me look through his archived stories where I'm sure he routinely makes courageous stands against the poor, un-Christian lifestyle choices endemic to the NBA.

Yeah, well the problem is that not everything can be a priority. If Chris Broussard's rant (and holy shit, did that take no time at all or what) doesn't get the vast majority of time, attention and pushback, then something is wrong.

I guess. It's just such a (relatively) mild version of what's probably about to come, that it's hard to get too riled up about it.

It's either that or an extreme version of Colbert's "I literally cannot see racial differences."

As long as enough are made to run the CFPB, the SEC, Treasury, the Fed, and a couple sprinkled around the Senate and House first.

Whole lotta non-dog havers missing out here.

Where is the line drawn on calling something homophobic?

I just can never figure it out when I read stories like this. It is not hard to avoid shooting yourself with your gun, or someone else by accident.

Shouldn't she look more...you know,....Korean?

Ickiness by one gender doesn't make the reverse any less icky.

I love art that makes a devastaing point in less than a minute.

So who plays the fat libertarian that steals all of Goonfleet's treasury, then gets disbarred for ripping off people facing bankruptcy, then joins the Army?