
Uh, yeah. Is this any more or less funny than Will Ferrell playing Janet Reno?

In my lifetime I will have to see future Republicans claiming they were ahead on this issue all along and the main reason gays now have equal rights.

Is the concrete dry yet or do I still have time to crudely stencil an NVA anti-aircraft gun under one of her hands?

Tom Coburn says correct thing, has one more time today to be right about something

How hard is it to picture "Of course I know what I'm doing, I'm an MBA" being the famous last words of an athlete's bank account?

Disney antagonists are pro-active, Disney protagonists are reactive.

Loria is really moving up the rankings of Worst Baseball Owner of All Time.

He was probably rat hunting. Rats love to live in palm trees.

The most deserved statue in New Orleans.

Pretty, uh...........pretty big dissonance between those top two stories there, Jenna.

Bush did not pardon Scooter Libby. He commuted his sentence. #corrections

That's logical. Your stupidity offends me.

Explain what exactly in that comment was transphobic, you stupid asshole.

Fuck yes. Missed opportunity!

The -phobic suffix is so goddamned stupid.

Ctrl-F "Streisand", 0 results.

It's the first time I've seen it, and I know who Tex Cobb is, so....

The conversation we'd be having is "lol Dylan thinks a sex change operation and change of identity will make us forget how stupidly he went after Nate Silver, was proven horribly wrong, then tried to kiss his ass after the fact to cover up for it. Oh, and is it correct if I say 'she still puts out shitty articles' if

Reminder: the LAPD wouldn't even buy them a new truck unless they posed with it for a fucking photo op.

You might make that pose with Her Huffness, but your camera guy better be quick enough to get the picture before she bites your head off.