
So...they look over every call.

Well, that's an improvement over a human rusty trombone.

Hmm- let's send our daughter off to a private Catholic school with full expectation that she'll be treated the same as not just male students, but male athletes. Nothing as progressive and equality-friendly as the Catholic Church!

Yup, gangsta rap did it. Case closed, folks.

There's still going to be major issues surrounding Baldwin's role. Both Curley and Schultz were routinely asked if they had counsel present, and both said yes, Ms. Cynthia Baldwin. At that point, if Baldwin's role was to represent the university (which she later claimed, denying she was there to personally represent

You hear me Bradford? They're not here to see you. Those could be Heupel jersies they're wearing. You're a good humble kid who knows his place. We oughta have you over to our little family shack sometime.

Well as long as we're counting intangible benefits (that might not be tied to a person's best interests) as compensation for services rendered, I'm sure Coach Stoops would be happy to take a 98 percent pay cut because the satisfaction of molding young minds is plenty payment enough.

"Scandalous" or some permutation of it is one of the most common and least imaginative boat names out there. It's not exactly a smoking gun.

Poe's Law rears its head again. People from this awful generation are doing academic-level work of shit like the demographic representation of cereal mascots. Hard to distinguish between genuine awfulness and a low-effort troll banged out in an afternoon for a Denton check.

The "Mike Lupica freaks out on a random flunkie" is virtually an annual tradition, but now it comes hiliariously soon after he gets to moralize about how the people that continued to employ an entitled manchild with no self-control who abuses underlings should be ashamed of themselves:

Jesus Christ, every Lindy West article makes me think I'm back to sharing a room with my Valley Girl sister in 1987.

More Greg Howard, please. I always learn a ton from his articles.

Aww kids, I know Mommy already has an abundance. But a little more couldn't hurt, right?

I have a somewhat paranoid belief that it's on purpose, for image reasons.

She counts (obviously), just slipped my mind.

Isn't it nice when dumb people do you the favor of announcing it right off the bat

SNL recruits nationwide. Hell, for a while there it was almost all Canadian/Midwesterners who came up through Second City. Now I think a Groundlings stint is almost required.

It'd put a radiant smile on your face.

Leaving the South to their own devices when it comes to social progress doesn't work all that great. The track record is long and extensive. This idea is dumb.

How else do a lot of food desert grocery stores get around the obvious security problems? Besides just turning the shopping experience into Alcatraz like the one downtown in my city?