Because he realizes it's a battle not worth fighting, in energy or reputation. Better to cede the battlefield.
Because he realizes it's a battle not worth fighting, in energy or reputation. Better to cede the battlefield.
Smart people look things up all the time, and it actually is a slight compliment to your background that you didn't previously know it. This woman is coo-coo fucking bonkers.
I'm assuming the odds of this costing anyone at Rice their jobs are extremely low, because, you know...Texas.
Don't knock them. If it weren't for feel-good reunion videos, the vast majority of America wouldn't ever fucking remember we were at war.
I was in Iraq right in the middle of the celebrity craze of visiting the troops (Tikrit got a fucking WWF show, for chrissakes) and the only two celebrities we got all year were Rob Dibble and Diamond Dallas Page.
What's the story here? These idiots are being careful not to step over the line of an actionable violation. They're making noise and sound, and little else. They're being mocked roundly by their peers. The marketplace of ideas rejects their stupid fucking theories. Nobody is being physically hurt. Everything is…
Judd had far too many unelectable quotes and stances in her history to beat McConnell, but considering that seat is probably unwinnable for Dems right now anyway I'd have loved for her to put a huge scare in that fucking turtle.
Where is the Kickstarter to develop a virus to eliminate all current and former schock jocks
I was trying to tell someone the other day about when Tim McCarver was good before I realized he probably wasn't born then
Lucky they made it out without their retinas being fried, judging by all the laser pointers the Mexican fans had. After the ref booted the call on an obvious US penalty, he was lit up like an Elton John encore.
The fact that the xB was so popular with blue-hairs always left me in stitches, and when an especially ancient couple would drive by in one I'd laugh out loud. Toyota couldn't have made their early Scion marketing any more XTREEEMMM and youth-oriented, and here was their anti-demographic fucking up their image.
My memory fails (and this is not a trolling question at all)- until they got pinched for underage drinking, were GWB's daughters' doings making the news at all? I remember them being covered as party animals (ie, normal teens), but I don't remember if that was only after one of them was cited or even before then.
People who make giant life-altering mistakes tend to continue making more giant life-altering mistakes, news at 11
Title: "Inside the Mind of Buzz Bissinger- Straight Male Shopaholic"
Hmmm so many missed golden nuggets. This is the guy who got fired for referring to Mike Tyson as a nigger, and said "no white man thinks Tiger Woods is a nigger".
By the illogical and dumb media narrative of early campaigning, she actually was. Despite her complete lack of electability, people were forced to talk about her candidacy as if it were real people.
I'm not happy with how it turned out either, but really, a movie with the same framing device and less of the embarrassingly nerdy stories was the way to go.
This was posted 8 minutes ago and there's no burner account replying with "what if nobody won"?