
Someone ask him in all earnestness that if his employer were about to drop him for a younger, more capable replacement, but made the offer for him to stick around for another year or two for a reduced salary, would he accept it out of loyalty to his company and co-workers. I want to see just how far Mr. "Fuck You Kid

Yeah. This will end up being a case study for "handle shit responsibly and at the lowest level or _______ will result" in future HR classes at business schools.

That's some quality day-shift stripper they invited there.

It's almost as if the demographic (age, gender, race) that stars on Girls is the exact same that makes up most of the writers at Jezebel

Comedy generally equals tragedy + either time or emotional distance.

so we got "screw" as well a bunch of dumb limey swears, but not "Holy shit"

Great article, Barry.

Laura Beck.

Title of article: The Feminist Housewife Is Such Bullshit

Seems like the kind of thing that should have been in the article. But you know, effort.

Oh, the laughter that will bounce off my walls when Tucker Carlson's shitty mudslinging operation is shown to have payrolled this. The aging fratboy indignation, the circle around the drain, the trial, the self-righteous plea bargain, the eventual Celebrity Rehab appearance....I will enjoy it all.

Karen Probst and Steve Turchetta still have their jobs, for quite arguably even worse crimes than Saccoccia committed.

Telling camera shot- a pan over the committee seats near the end of the hearing as McCaskill is talking. Her and Gillibrand are the only two that bothered staying for the whole thing.

Leave I-A in the fall. Move I-AA and lower to the spring.

Do you feel like you missed a major opportunity by not challenging Joe Paterno more in his interview with you shortly before his death? Does anything about that interview still bother you?

I want the three minutes of my life back.

I'd commit war crimes to have his voice.


Alright goddamnit, since none of you are asking the question worth asking, I will- what's it taste like?

Hope this helps: if you're Native and every argument you make about the Redskins is brushed off as "ethnic bias", it's a pretty good indicator you're probably talking to someone emotionally invested in the name. You will never be able to craft a perfectly logical, reasonable argument to get through to them. Write