It should be mentioning eventually that the hunters Sam so eloquently defends are basically ignored by the gun lobby that likes to use them as props, the NRA.
It should be mentioning eventually that the hunters Sam so eloquently defends are basically ignored by the gun lobby that likes to use them as props, the NRA.
It gets weirder. Check out his bio.
Contrast this with "Joe did what was legally required of him"
Speaking for the rest of the NFC West...wait...stop....don't go..../checks fingernails
I'm curious whether Israel is gonna get their own Muslim death-camps up and firing within the 100th anniversary of the Holocaust. It looks like it'll come down to the wire at this rate.
Amada Sandoval- too busy writing Alternet articles in defense of stupid white girl rap videos on Youtube to do her fucking job.
What a fucking horrible stance for the Director OF THE GODDAMNED WOMEN'S CENTER on campus to take. If she's going to take a PR role for Princeton University on this of all issues, then obviously her view of what her job entails doesn't mesh with most of society's.
For the sheer amount of anger this will incite from Piers Morgan, I approve.
Poe's Law is swallowing its tail at this point
"Does This Mean We Should Feel Like Assholes For All The Jokes?", bravely asks man who made all the jokes.
I can't keep up with the never-ending supply of wingnut propagandists. Does Heather Mac-double-space-Donald believe that women should be in the military at all?
She was groundbreaking and genuinely funny in the 1980s. She got on Johnny Carson's bad side (through no real fault of her own) and that was pretty much that for her career arc.
Airwolf theme music.
Men 37% Washington D.C. (Career & Education)
Almost any hourly position higher than fry cook has responsibilities that usually drift to off-the-clock time. The article does make an incredible point about care positions being naturally underpaid (something I'd love to see follow-up on in how it touches other industries), and certainly the predominant gender of…
Yeah, this is basically "SHE PWNED HIS AZZ!!!!" with more words and spellcheck.
"but if what Mike Florio said true,"
The truck race earlier this week was immediately ended on the last lap when a crash happened and NASCAR flew the yellow flag right away. Today? Eh, fuck it let em race.
The article is about Penn State Trustee Anthony Lubrano, but the attached picture is of noted Nickelodeon villain and country club manager "Emmington Whitworth III" #corrections
I keep trying to read the second through fourth paragraphs but I can't make it through RON PAUL RON PAUL RON PAUL RON PAUL