Raysism doesn't "try" to do shit.
Raysism doesn't "try" to do shit.
I'm sorry, I misspoke. Instead of "any IRL fan", I meant to say "Ask the IRL fan".
ESPN News literally opened up their broadcast talking about Danica Patrick not finishing the race.
One tire went well into the stands. Ask any IRL fan how horrible that turns out.
It's been done before, in print and in lectures. It doesn't take. She's either so far gone as a caricature that no amount of shame will make her seriously take a self-inventory, or she's completely self-aware and happy to continue being the Bozo of Iconoclastic Semi-Feminism regardless of blowback.
Duncan should be lauded about making the point that bills are always given motherhood and apple pie titles. He'd have done even better to make the point that PACs and lobbying groups, no matter how craven and evil their aims, do the same thing.
This sounds dumb on first look, but really isn't it just a weirder version of "go for the eyes or groin"?
Cautiously optimistic here. It could be a more successful, staying married version of "Reba" (don't scoff- great show concept, undercut by mediocre writing). Or it could be "dopey husband, nagging wife, kids are the smartest ones in the house" volume MCMXVII.
Industrial safety has advanced as far in 70 years as any other field. I doubt it's just lacking for the pictures here; plenty of candids I've seen of WWII-era assembly lines lack things we take for common nowadays like gloves, hardhats, safety glasses, grinding shields, and (I'm guessing) steel-toe boots.
Because the tone is so breathless it reads like amateur ad copy.
Third time's a charm.
There's a difference between having an opinion that doesn't fit in the mainstream, and proclaiming that the American version RUINED IT FOREVER AND I WISH SOMETHING HAD DESTROYED THE FILMSHOOT. The two versions each had their strengths and enjoyable parts, which could be enjoyably debated by adults acting like adults.…
"oh is that the inferior American version you're watching? Yeah, too Hollywood for my tastes. You really oughta get the Swedish originals, they're much more authentic"
We need a supercut of all the variations of "Danica is sitting on the pole" that have already been said by the FOX crew.
Tomas Scheckter calls bullshit:
Rape is not a priority. Not in a legislative sense, not in a prosecutorial sense, not in an enforcement sense, and pretty rarely in a journalistic sense.
The jury is still out on Volkswagen's attempt, although reviews from all concerned are not good.