
So she inherited the crown when Sestak left Congress?

Just as criticism of a black female legislator can be racist and sexist and nature (as seen in the original story), not all criticism of a black female legislator necessarily MUST be racist and sexist in nature (as seen in the comments and numerous other anecdotes of people who have dealt with Lee). Maybe you should

My niece is the 4th generation of Sesame Street fans in my family. It's still one of the greatest forces for public good ever to air on television. I can only imagine how fulfilling it would be to work on the show in some capacity.

lol. 4/5 by effort trolling burner account standards.

This is a hell of a lot words that say the same thing as my unit's unofficial motto: "wherever, whenever, whatever".

I'd be genuinely saddened if Melissa also believes all the dumb shit her cousin does. Jenny's idiocy goes beyond her anti-vaccination lunacy, beyond her dumbshit belief that chelation therapy cured her child, all the way to believing she's an Indigo Mom.

Phil Knight has proven he cares as little for First World children as he does Third World ones.

I hope you guys follow up with coverage of Jay Paterno's media blitz on ESPN Radio this morning. I mean, Mike and Mike being worthless we can expect, Cowherd being an idiot was entirely predictable, but STEPHEN A. SMITH putting on his journalist hat was a gigantic fucking surprise.

Pretty much. It's either stand and look like a phony or pout like a dick. He chose the path of least dickishness.

This is a much more valid complaint than the usual silliness that motivates MRA morons.

At least your grandchildren won't be paying for the stadium you currently watch shitty baseball in.

The entire article was her inserting herself into the scandal, fuckknuckles.

If you wanted to have kids so badly, might you think about changing or at least being silent about your dumb views on women?

Do you look at the sad state of ESPN's debate programming and think "wow, I woulda been such a great fit if I had stuck around"

I would do horrible things for video evidence that it was Michelle Picon

Uh, you can agree or disagree with the point of the article. But agreeing with the point does not make it unbiased.

Ctrl-F "Clery Act", no results.

Why not mention the real issue involved here- car reviewers struggling to come up with something to write about to fill column inches?

So he went from raping hairdressers to rooting against his home team in the Super Bowl to bitching out someone at a trophy presentation for a celebrity exhibition beach football tournament.

That should be including the rape scene, actually. A rape scene should be exactly what you get there- ugly, horrifying, stomach-turning and as non-appealing sexually as it can get. You know it's effective when every time you re-watch the movie you reach for the remote as soon as she walks into his apartment.