
Oops- cut off. And for the ultimate example of how little NASCAR the corporation actually gives a shit about drugs in its sport, see how JC France (yes, actual member of the owns-NASCAR-and-all-its-tracks France family) got busted for behavior farrrrrrrrrrrr worse than Hmiel or anyone, and went right back to racing

Might have wanted to add that Hmiel admitted to shooting up heroin ON RACE DAY. His addiction was quite a bit deeper than coke/weed. I'm happy he cleaned up his act.

As a repeated suit-store buyer who also goes clothes shopping with his wife (it's fun, to a point), I'll never understand why women tolerate all the absurdities of clothes buying that only apply to their gender.

Good to see the company still clings to the spirit of the founder.

No. But continue to feel alone, because the media narrative on the guy will probably not change in our lifetime-

I'd find it hard to believe EA wouldn't leave themselves some sort of out in the case of a good old-fashioned 4chan-ish vote manipulation for a joke candidate. Either make the vote non-binding, or (more likely) release the winning cover on a limited edition that makes it to one Gamestop in town of the winning school.

Sources: The guy who actually had a hand in assassinating Sean Taylor apologized, but the race-baiting ESPN radio douchebag who had a hand in assassinating Sean Taylor's character can't be bothered.

The agony of a GoDaddy bowl invite- you escape Jonesboro, Arkansas for a week of moderate coastal fun. But it costs you your head coach. Every. single. year.

High production costs. I kinda doubted it cost much more than any of their other programming, but that's the reason I read.

Worth mentioning that Corbett is facing some very real heat from the incoming AG, who has promised to thoroughly investigate the handling of the Sandusky case from the start- ie, how Corbett back-burnered the investigation when he was state AG, so he could rake in donations and avoid controversy while he was running

oh damn

Every single NFL fan I know who didn't give a shit about the Vikings wanted that kick to go wide and Peterson to break the record in OT. I know I feel like I got cheated of something.

JunotDiaz doesn't care about black people.

Well at least that dude and his eight followers know not to hold their breath waiting for Leslie Mann to get a job in a non-Apatow film.

"I bring all this up because I think we're starting to care more about popularity and financial success than legitimate quality."

Not mentioned- when Jeff Hammond called all these boosters, fans and e-mailers into his office and chewed their asses out for hours because they've never been a football coach before, so they know nothing about what the job entails and have no right to criticize by any of their made-up metrics like "wins" or "scoring".

Even if you have absolutely no interest in Southern Miss (for or against), it's an interesting way to look at how the sausage is made. I'm grateful they're sticking with the story.

Giannini had somewhat publicly refused any further 2-for-1 deals with big BCS schools after USM's first 3 game deal with Nebraska (Husker fans may remember the worst September 11th in their lifetime as part of that package, when Callahan bumbled away a game at home to USM).

At this point, does anyone even have the right to be offended by a breach of privacy by Facebook using consumer info? It's well known by now that every single piece of info you give them is monetized in some way.