
Neat article MSS, but if you're writing on the eventual arc of RedZone you might as well point out that eventually it will be a gambler/fantasy junkie channel only. Or the NFL will find a way to slather it in ARRRR COUNTRY and ruin it by monetizing it anyway.

By comparison, remember that Rodgers was the one that bitched about Kornheiser that he spent their whole production meeting making stupid jokes nobody laughed at. Contrary to what I always thought, maybe actual discussion and information exchange normally goes on in those things.

Awesome read. If you guys wanted to make a semi-regular thing out of looking into the production trailer (or breaking down game coverage like this), I'd sure as hell read it.

"See this is the part of the creative process where people realize Magary only has one angle on anything and his internet cool blogger cred clock hits 14:59"

"Obama kinda owes us"?

Ellis Johnson did the same a few weeks before the end of his (blessedly) short tenure as Southern Miss' head coach. Since the show was always live in a restaurant/grill, he'd just take friendly questions from folks in the audience. Funny how one week it was the entire USM baseball team in attendance, and another was

Oh hey that's cool everyone call off the dogs, Drew says he's tight with them. Decent human beings, folks.

Does the original author?

Far be it from me to pass up any chance to shit on Notre Dame, but it is pretty unfair that Eifling outright neglects to mention one candidate's legal troubles, and then uses a painfully awkward compound sentence to tie a scandal at another candidate's school to that candidate. Te'o didn't assault Lizzie Seeberg,

Surprise, surprise- John Walsh is a thin-skinned prick who makes things up about people. This is news to precisely nobody who has either dealt with him or had friends that worked at Bristol. He's an ESPN legend for good reason, he built Sportscenter from nothing, but he's also a back-stabbing cocksucker when some

Yeah before you go googling this guy, add -Wolverine.

Everything about this article makes me wish the terrorists had won

Thank you very much for covering all this (and in such incredible detail). Some additional color that could be added is the ridiculous staff that Ellis Johnson assembled; when his first choice for OC stepped down for "health issues", he took the opportunity to hire the head coach of Petal High School as his new OC.

USM has a small but noticeable regional fanbase, with alumni chapters in Mobile, New Orleans, Memphis, etc. They have struggled to sell out MM Roberts Stadium, but until the bottom dropped out this year, they have always had steadily decent crowds.

From a diehard Saints fan- shut the fuck up.

P is for Prince Shembo, the rapist who will be playing for a national title ring. It'd be nice of him to give it to the anonymous friend he had text Lizzie Seeberg to warn her off of reporting anything.

I think I have a handle on Hennessey's business model, but I'm not sure. Every few months he comes out with a "_________-killer" (usually Bugatti) concept, which somehow years later never has materialized. Blogs like Jalopnik, Autoblog and the rest dutifully give him a sloppy hummer because hey, pageviews. People

Awwww so the person who works in PR is upset that her identity and lifestyle are being trivialized and twisted for commercial purposes.

This is not an anti-Arab or anti-Muslim news story. It is an anti-horrific, authoritarian theocratic regime that stomps on human rights story.

Yes, because the number of reviews they have already doesn't slow down the pace of the game. Putting a replay after every play certainly won't give us 10 hour long football games.