
I think alterations to the original material is a “dammed if you do dammed if you don’t” situation. Thinking from that perspective, it seems logical to not allocate resources to change these. Also, we don’t see Hollywood making any of these types of changes to their re-releases. Not sure if this deep a criticism is

You wouldn’t know it’s not a bajillion dollar AAA titles in the moment to moment gameplay. The attention to fine detail, from weapons ejection unique shell casings with their own physics and collision to the bugs and bots limping and moving differently when you destroy various limbs is bonkers.

1) Differernt writers, different opinions.

imagine being so disconnected to reality to think that they are all Frenchs Canadians because the office is located in Montreal...

ummm what?  The writer literally says they don’t like Starfield.  I don’t know where you’re getting that Kotaku loves the game, because that sounds like some shit you made up.

Funny how much of a deal this site made about Hogwarts player count dropping by much less than this after 6 months yet when its a game you don’t have a hate-on for it you say it doesn’t matter. You cant have it both ways.

Yeah, that is increasingly true, but I do still see some benefits to having a dedicated console. There are some types of game that I really significantly prefer to play with a controller, and there are some games I also prefer to play on a TV. I would never play Horizon or Resident Evil with a keyboard and mouse, for

Yes, it’s 30 episodes and only covers the first book.

As I’ve said multiple times since this generation started up, Microsoft has given me literally zero reason to buy an Xbox. I’ve had every generation of PlayStation since the original, so it was already my “default” console, but I am not inherently anti-xbox; I loved and still have the first one. However, since I

Right? I figured that if I had a physical version of a game I’d be able to play it on my Series X via BC.

Basically we already have consoles with a ton of features and improvements that were once “kinda cool and nice to have”, but later became almost universal requirements.

Take you pick of multiplayer on consoles, streaming service applications, digital distribution, or backwards compatibility (and a ton I am forgetting,

At least they pulled it off better than Microsoft. I keep my Xbox 360 hooked up because most of the games I prefer to replay weren’t backwards compatible with Xbox One.

Sega: "First time?"

Why?  They’ve never been relevant, leaving the dedicated gaming console business won’t change that.

I also own both and I completely disagree. I have had PS consoles in past generations, so maybe it’s familiarity to a large extent, but I vastly prefer everything about the PS5 over the SeriesX. I hate that the home screen is constantly advertising to me (mostly trying to sell me game pass) and I feel like the

Yeaaaah, I feel like Xbox’s Backwards Compatibility policy is the only reason Sony bothered with it. Which is very frustrating to think about.

As someone who also owns both, theres nothing to me that indicates the ‘Xbox Experience’ is better. Maybe I’m missing something?

But also Xbox fumbled the ball a decade ago so people bought the PS4, and they get to keep all those games on PS5, so we’re kinda locked in. 

Agreed. It’s clear that Remake was not called “remake” because it was a remake of the original game, but more of a hint of Sephiroth’s intentions

It wasn’t that difficult to infer after the events of Remake alone. 

I can’t think war is terrible if I enjoy playing shooters?